An In-Depth Look at the ENFP and ESTJ Relationship
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An In-Depth Look at the ENFP and ESTJ Relationship

When you first glance at an ENFP and ESTJ couple, you might think, “What in the WORLD do these two types have in common?” After all, sensors and intuitives can’t enjoy each other’s company, right? Well….wrong…usually. ENFPs and ESTJs actually have quite a lot in common, but enough of a difference that they can look…

The Relationship Kryptonite of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Relationship Kryptonite of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

In the world of relationships, personality clashes can create mind-boggling conflicts. When we can’t mentally get into our partner’s shoes we may inadvertently say or do something that triggers them or makes them lash out at us in an unexpected way. It’s all too easy to offend or misunderstand each other. So what can we…

The Flirting Style of the ENFP Personality Type
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The Flirting Style of the ENFP Personality Type

If ENFPs bring to mind unicorns and rainbows, you probably don’t know them well enough. Is this a hot take? We’ll see. ENFPs are often characterized online by their lively, chatty energy and their will to change the subject five times within one sentence. A talent, to be sure. However, Extroverted Intuition (Ne) does much…

How ENFPs Romantically Pair Up with Every Other Personality Type
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How ENFPs Romantically Pair Up with Every Other Personality Type

ENFPs and ENFPs An overflow of ideas will permeate this relationship from the very beginning. Both of these types will be drawn to each other because they spur each other on in their quest for the novel, exciting, and innovative. Both will spark each other’s already rich imagination and compel each other to follow their…

What Each Myers-Briggs® Type Needs in a Relationship
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What Each Myers-Briggs® Type Needs in a Relationship

Each Myers-Briggs® personality type has different needs and desires in a relationship. All types want trust, respect, and kindness of course. But there are certain values that are more important to some types than to others. Knowing the things that are important to your partner can help you to have a happier, more conflict-free relationship….