Discover the colors that best represent each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

Here’s the Color That Best Represents Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Is there any correlation between color and MBTI®? Do you love exploring aesthetics, color palettes, and the impact of color on your own psychology? Today we’re looking at the symbolism of color and exploring the hue best represents the qualities of each of the 16 personality types! Read More…

Discover which Myers-Briggs personality types are the rarest, and which are the most common! #MBTI #Personality #INTJ #INFP #INTJ #INFJ

How Rare Is Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type?

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“What is the rarest Myers-Briggs type?” “What is the most common MBTI® type?” These are questions I get asked daily as an MBTI® practitioner. The answers can be confusing, because…

This Week’s Latest Posts:

Are you more of a cobalt, maroon, ebony, or coral? Find out the color that best matches your MBTI® type!

Here’s the Color That Best Represents Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever walked into a room and felt an instant shift in your mood—maybe a surge of energy in a bright yellow space or a wave of calm in…

Discover More About Who You Are, What Makes You Tick, and How to Improve Your Relationships

Susan Storm Psychology Junkie

About Me:

My name is Susan Storm and I’m the founder of Psychology Junkie. As an MBTI® certified practitioner and Enneagram coach I love to help people realize just how unique and one-of-a-kind they are. Through understanding Myers-Briggs® typology and the Enneagram I’ve been able to help people realize their potential and have more empathy for their weaknesses. In my years as a practitioner and coach, I’ve worked with literally thousands of people to help them clarify their type and have better understanding of themselves. Through that experience, I’ve created this website as a resource that anyone can explore to develop their understanding of themselves and others.

Since beginning my mission, my writing has been featured in a number of places I love. I’ve written for Truity, Personality Hacker, Introvert, Dear,and the British Association for Psychological Type.  My work has been mentioned by Yahoo! Lifestyle, Lifehack, The New York Times, and The Sun. I’ve collaborated with Joyce Meng from Type Talks, spoken for the British Association of Psychological Type (you can see my talk on type and vulnerability here), been featured in a Personality Hacker podcast, and even talked style with my friends from 16 Style Types.

Not Sure About Your Personality Type?

Schedule a Session With Me!