How to Annoy Any Myers Briggs® Type

We all have those little things that irritate us to no end, no matter how minor they may seem. Does type have any part to play in this? With a little research and some lurking through forums, I was able to come up with this list. Technically, I think a lot of these things would annoy just about anyone; but for these particular types, these things are an ESPECIALLY awful form of torture. We’ll get through all 16 types, but let’s start with…

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MBTI Pet Peeves

ESFP: Make an excel spreadsheet telling them how to live their lives, or worse, drone on and on to them about it at a party or social gathering where they want to have some fun and relax.

ISFP: Give them a list of rules for your friendship or relationship.

ISTP: When they’re feeling stressed, ask them repeatedly how they’re feeling.

ESTP: When they’re ready to go out and have some fun, pull them aside and tell them you need to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

ENFJ: Tell them that their cheerful exuberance is fake or phony.

ENFP: Misinterpret their kindness and passion for romantic interest.

INFJ: Call their insights “superstitious”, and force them to focus on the practicalities of the present moment.

INFP: When they come to you with a problem, jump in with lots of practical advice before they have a chance to finish telling you what’s wrong.

ESTJ: Show up thirty minutes late to a planned meeting with them, and tell them you just ‘lost track of time.

ESFJ: Get into a conversation with them and only half-listen to everything they’re saying. When there’s a pause just give them a blank look and say “ummmm….right”

ISTJ: Drop in on them without any prior notice and expect them to hang out and chat.

ISFJ: When they do something nice for you, give them a suspicious look and say “…okay…what’s the catch?

INTJ: When they’re talking about their latest passion, interrupt them with unrelated questions.

INTP: Create an outline for how they should spend each minute of their day.

ENTJ: Decide to argue something you know very little about and don’t back down, no matter what. Then get really emotional when the ENTJ tries to prove you wrong.

ENTP: Give them a to-do list of mundane daily chores that they have to complete…alone.

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What about you?

What are your pet peeves? Did I get yours wrong or right? Let me know in the comments!


Check out more articles below!

Discover Your Superpower – Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

How to Communicate Effectively with any Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

What Each Myers-Briggs® Type Needs in a Relationship

Find out the pet peeves of every #Myersbriggs #Personality type! #Personality #MBTI #INTJ #INFJ #INTP #INFP #ENTP #ENFP #ISTJ #ISFJ #ESTJ #ESFJ #ISTP #ISFP

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  1. I’ve looked up for conformation if I’m either an ENFP or ENTP but as usual I can relate to both. I’ve been misinterpreted a few times as I have romantic interrest, but I hate (and I mean HATE) being given to-do lists and do it alone. Both are a pain in my ass.
    Is it possible that ENTP and ENFP are the closest of the types?

  2. I’m a strong ENFP, but can’t really relate at all to mine. I’m SO careful with how I treat the opposite sex, especially if I sense at all that the guy might be into me and I don’t feel that way. The INFP and ENTP ones sound *very* much like me, though. I hate hate hate being interrupted with lots of practical advice when I’m needing empathy and still sharing…and even more, I hate lots of mundane to-do’s that must be done alone. I get really depressed!!!

  3. Thanks for these insights, though…I love your website! So much good stuff. And I should add that *many* ENFPs that I know complain about being accused of flirting. So I guess I’m rare in that department.

  4. I’m an ISFP, and it’s true that the list of rules is annoying – I want people to respect who I am without expecting me to try to be something I’m not. Another thing that really bugs me is to be overlooked, interrupted, or ignored. It seems to happen quite often.

  5. I’m an INTJ and this is REALLY how to wind us up.

    Sure, derailing the convo makes us work hard BUT what really pushes the button is bringing random people into the conversation – and making a mess of bringing them up to speed.

    Even one other person should do it.

  6. I think what really annoys me is when someone interrupts me mid sentence or just in general does not let me finish my thought or what I’m doing. That annoys me way more! (INFJ)

  7. infp..what annoys me more specifically is telling me to be rational & explaining how I’m being illogical….i need my experience to be understood…not patronized

  8. (I’m an ENTP)
    Nah, that won’t really annoy me, I’m pretty sure I’d just ignore all the chores and do whatever, or prove to them why doing that doesn’t make any sense, for example, cleaning my room:
    1) I live in ORGANISED chaos
    2) it’s a waist of time if it’s just gonna turn back to its original state in 24 hrs!

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