10 Talents of the INFJ and ENFJ Personality Types

INFJs and ENFJs are two of the rarest Myers-Briggs® personality types, with INFJs making up 1.5% of the U.S. population, and ENFJs making up 2.5% of the U.S. population (according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation). Both of these types are from the “Idealist” temperament and are known for their empathy, insight into human motivations, and visionary imagination. NFJs are often restless because they feel called to contribute to a higher purpose. This calling often leads them into careers in psychology, religion, or even politics. These types tend to get along because they are wired very similarly! You can see this by taking a look at their cognitive function stacks below. These stacks show us what mental preferences they use, and in which order.

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Find out the unique talents of the #INFJ and #ENFJ #personality types. #MBTI

INFJ Function Stack:
Dominant mental process: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Auxiliary mental process: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Tertiary mental process: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Inferior mental process: Extraverted Sensing (Se)

ENFJ Function Stack:
Dominant mental process: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Auxiliary mental process: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Tertiary mental process: Extraverted Sensing (Se)
Inferior mental process: Introverted Thinking (Ti) 

10 Talents of the INFJ and ENFJ Personality Types


INFJs and ENFJs both use a mental process called Extraverted Feeling, or “Fe” for short. Extraverted feeling absorbs the emotional content of the atmosphere, giving NFJs a unique ability to “feel” what other people are feeling in real-time. They observe patterns in human emotion and learn throughout their lives which words, actions, and experiences help others to feel comfortable and understood. They use this understanding of others to connect with them on a deep level and make them feel heard.


INFJs and ENFJs have a knack for building bridges between people and helping them resolve conflicts. They tend to see threads of agreement between people of opposing parties. Many times, the people in a conflict are unaware of these agreements and NFJs can help bring these threads to light. NFJs believe in unity and are good at finding ways to unify people of many different backgrounds and belief systems.

Strategic Planning

Both ENFJs and INFJs favor a mental process called Introverted Intuition, or “Ni” for short. This process enables them to envision a future goal, find grand patterns, themes, and systems and then create a mental “roadmap” of how to get to a certain goal. In fact, according to Building Blocks of Personality Type, Introverted Intuition is “The vision that guides strategic planning.”


When there are misunderstandings between people, NFJs tend to see where the confusion lies and know how to re-phrase things so that there is mutual understanding. It’s very common for NFJs to say, “I think what he/she is trying to say is”, or “I think this is just a miscommunication. What’s really going on is”. Both types are good at shifting perspectives to see the real reason why someone feels the way they do about something.


INFJs and ENFJs are extremely attuned to the emotional states of the people in their presence. And because they’ve spent a lifetime looking for patterns in human behavior they are quick to notice which words and statements will have the desired impact (to comfort, console, encourage, inspire). Also, because INFJs and ENFJs use intuition to forecast future possibilities and implications, they are able to offer guidance to people who are feeling lost and unsure of their direction.

Operating Outside the Box

INFJs and ENFJs like to find new ways to look at everything. They would much rather trailblaze a new idea or possibility than do something that’s already been done. While other people might be looking for solutions from the past, NFJs are good at seeing imaginative, unusual ways to solve problems and create something new.

Predicting Future Outcomes

No, INFJs and ENFJs aren’t automatically psychic because they use intuition. However, they are so skilled at seeing the shape of possible futures that it can seem that way. They tend to look at life unrestricted by time, concrete data, or current events. They have an antenna for patterns and implications that could develop into something bigger. This can mean that they spot potential problems people will face or potential possibilities and transformations.

De-Coding Symbols

All introverted intuitive types (INTJs, INFJs, ENTJs, and ENFJs) tend to think in symbols rather than in literal representations or words. Symbolic imagery permeates their thoughts and it can be difficult for them to even express their thoughts in literal worlds at times. This way of interpreting things enables NFJs to understand abstract imagery in a deep and meaningful way.

Helping Others

Healthy NFJs have a deep desire to improve the world for people. This is probably why INFJs and ENFJs are over-represented in counseling, religion, and teaching. It’s extremely important to them to feel that they are helping other people and that they are needed. In fact, it can be difficult for them to take the necessary time to take care of their own needs (especially physical needs).

Spotting Authenticity (or Lack Thereof)

NFJs are gifted at interpreting body language and decoding hidden motives or intentions. It can be difficult to fool them because their attentiveness to human patterns makes it easy for them to spot manipulation, arrogance, or ulterior motives.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you have any insights about this article? Some of these qualities are embodied by other types as well, but you’re likely to see all ten of these traits in well-developed INFJs and ENFJs.

Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.

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Discover the unique talents of the #INFJ and #ENFJ #personality types! #MBTI

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    1. I am definitely an Enfj once I learnt this evrything in my entire life started to make sense I always tell people I have the answers I know things and don’t know how I guessed my sister was infj just buy watching a video about them and she did the test and I was wright I struggle to explain thing the way I see them in my head I carnt help but do what’s right to people and be humble no matter if they do something bad to me it’s so weird reading all this but I still feel the need to know why I am like this sence of porpuse dives me crazy like there’s a power that needs to get out what is that?

  1. Great article. I identify with all those points. But how can I differentiate which one I am? My main objective in life is to help others. So my thought process leads me to believe that my dominant function is Fe and all my other functions are filtered through it. As opposed to my dominant function being Ni where my main objective is to find meaning and a singular answer to phenomena that holds my interest which my Fe would be filtered through that first. I scored as an INFJ on the official MBTI and personality hackers test. Am I on the right track?

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