The Top 7 Gift Ideas for ESFPs

The Holidays are nearly here, and this is a beloved time for many an ESFP. These lovable personality types enjoy the celebrations, the sights, sounds, and tastes of the holiday season. If you have an ESFP in your life, chances are you’re trying to scope out the ideal gift for them. But what gift will mean the most to them? I’ve spoken with 98 ESFPs over the last few weeks in real life and in groups and online forums to try to determine what they enjoy most. With their help, I hope you can find an unforgettable gift for your ESFP friend or loved one.

The ESFPs Relationship with Gifts

ESFPs love the element of surprise when it comes to gifts. They aren’t likely to hand out detailed wish lists or pressure you to get them any one particular thing. What matters to the ESFP is that you put your heart into the process. They love to get a sentimental gift that shows how well you really know them. Because ESFPs have dominant Extraverted Sensing (Se) the gifts they desire often satisfy their love of anything sensory. Experiences that introduce them to new sights or tastes, clothes that are soft and lush, or practical gifts that make their homes more pleasing to the eye.

The Top 7 Gift Ideas for ESFPs

  1. An Experience

This gift idea far outnumbered any of the others. ESFPs are adventurous souls who love to discover new sights, sounds, and tastes. They often said they’d rather receive an experience-based gift like concert tickets, a game of laser tag, or dinner at one of their favorite restaurants over a material gift.

  1. Games

ESFPs love gifts they can “play” with right away. They prefer games they can play with other people, so board games, video games, or even games like paintball or mini golf were mentioned.

  1. A Gift Card to Their Favorite Clothing Store

ESFPs are often dressed to impress, but they can be particular about what clothes they wear. To be on the safe side, they recommended giving gift cards to their favorite stores over picking out something for them yourself.

  1. Something Tasty

One ESFP I spoke with said they didn’t like receiving food-related gifts, but 42 others said delicious treats were their favorite. Because ESFPs are Extraverted Sensors, they tend to savorย flavors and love trying new, luxurious foods. Some of the ESFPs I spoke with said to stick with quality chocolates like Ghirardelli or Godiva, while others said a home-cooked meal was preferred.

  1. Physical Affection

The top love language for ESFPs is physical affection, andย this came through loud and clear when I talked to them about gifts. Many of them said they’d rather receive a heartfelt hug from a loved one over any material gift. Keep in mind, if you’re not particularly close to an ESFP it’s better not to “gift” them with a lot of physical affection unless you’re absolutely certain they’d enjoy it.

  1. A Spa Gift Certificate

Indulge the ESFPs strong sensory side with a gift certificate for a massage, facial, or pedicure at a spa. This feeds into the ESFPs sensing side and lets them feel relaxed and revived.

  1. Something Practical

Does the ESFP in your life need new tires, luggage, or kitchen tools? Practical gifts were well received by ESFPs; especially because many said they’d rather buy other things when they had their own money. They also mentioned if you have a practical skill you can help them with, like shoveling the snow or painting a room in their house, that was greatly appreciated. Ask if there’s any particular project they could use your help with to be sure you’re contributing in the best way possible.

What Do You Think

Do you agree or disagree with this list? Do you have any suggestions?ย  Let me know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, ย The INFJ โ€“ Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP โ€“ Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

ESFP Gifts

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