Here’s What Exhausts You, Based On Your Personality Type
Each personality type gets energized or drained by different things. For example, some personality types feel refreshed when they have a consistent routine while others find this confining and frustrating. Let’s take a look at what exhausts you based on your type!
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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
ENFPs thrive in environments where there is frequent change, variety, and novelty. In turn, they are exhausted by being stuck in a monotonous, rigid routine. Nothing feels worse than knowing exactly what’s going to happen in the days ahead, especially if it’s a constant repetition of the same mundane activities over and over again. ENFPs are also exhausted by being overloaded with details and rules or being confined to a setting that leaves no room for the imagination. Like all feeling types, ENFPs can also find themselves exhausted by conflict situations – especially when the individuals involved are both stuck on only one perspective.
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ENTPs are energized by environments full of variety and intellectual curiosity. In turn, they are drained by being confined to a limited scope of activities. Having to focus on nitty-gritty detail work or conform to a rigid routine will make them feel stressed and de-motivated. They are also exhausted by dealing with people who are unwilling to innovate, brainstorm, or see things from out-of-the-box perspectives. Like all thinking types, ENTPs can also find themselves drained by being in emotionally-charged environments for extended periods of time.
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INFPs are energized by working in accepting, open-minded environments. In turn, they feel drained by environments where there is conflict or hostility. Dealing with a lot of criticism or even just being around it plays a major toll on their psyche and cause them to “shut down” emotionally. They are also exhausted by feeling controlled, whether it’s by rigid schedules, deadlines, people, or rules. More than anything, though, INFPs are drained by being in a climate where people disrespect their values or force them to conform to ideas they don’t really believe in.
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INTPs are driven to find accuracy, truth, and new approaches to problem-solving. Unfortunately, their efforts are often misinterpreted and they are called out for being hypercritical, arrogant, or argumentative. This completely exhausts INTPs who find their natural strengths stifled or misunderstood on a regular basis. They are also drained by being surrounded by incompetence or emotionally-charged atmospheres. Finally, it’s important for INTPs to get plenty of time alone – if they don’t get that they can find themselves feeling stuck or uninspired.
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ENFJs are energized by being in open, harmonious environments where a deep connection is possible. In turn, they are drained by being in conflict-ridden environments where people are more concerned with “winning” than hearing another person’s view. They are also exhausted by dealing with sudden change, criticism, and time constraints. More than anything, though, ENFJs are drained by having to do work or be around people that violate their personal values or beliefs.
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ENTJs are energized by accomplishing goals, acting quickly, and being productive. In turn, they are drained by being in a disorganized, poorly-managed environment where they aren’t given a chance to lead or optimize things. Likewise, people who complain without making efforts to change their situation aggravate them. Interruptions and emotionally-charged atmospheres also exhaust them. ENTJs work best in environments where they are allowed to provoke change, efficiency, and create logical, structured systems.
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INFJs are energized by working creatively towards a future vision or goal. In turn, they are drained by being in noisy, disorganized environments where they face frequent interruptions to their thoughts and musings. It’s especially bad if they are in an environment where there is frequent conflict. INFJs can empathize too deeply with the emotions of the people involved in the conflict and wind up being drained trying to make peace. As big-picture people, INFJs are also worn down by having to focus on nitty-gritty details or mundane routines. Finally, INFJs find themselves drained when they spend the majority of their time around people who are narrow-minded or unwilling to see beyond their own personal experience.
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INTJs are energized by having quiet, structured time to work towards their goals and visions. In turn, they are drained by being in noisy, bright, over-stimulating environments. These kinds of places force their attention outside of their mind and trigger their inferior sensing function. This can result in stress, overwhelm, and anxiety over time. Other things that exhaust INTJs include dealing with nitty-gritty details, working with illogical people, or being around individuals who are wishy-washy or undependable. It is especially exhausting to INTJs if they have to spend a large amount of time with people who are unwilling to look past their own emotions and personal experiences to see other possibilities or perspectives.
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ESFPs are energized by interaction and immersion with the world around them. They seem to have a radar for new, thrilling experiences. In turn, they are drained by binding commitments, rigid structures, or confining dull surroundings. They also get frustrated when they have to deal with overly-critical, pessimistic, or impractical people. As action-oriented, present-minded types, ESFPs find themselves exhausted by people who want to only commiserate about the past or speculate about the future.
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ESTPs are energized by being active and engaged with the world around them. They enjoy a high-energy lifestyle with plenty of opportunities to challenge themselves. In turn, they are exhausted by being in rigid, overly-structured environments with no room for action or make-or-break troubleshooting. They hate being micro-managed, especially if they feel their leadership is incompetent or illogical. They also feel drained when they are forced into commitments or decisions before they are ready.
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ISFPs are energized by doing projects or activities that align with their deeply-held values. Flexible, open-minded environments help them feel at ease and creatively stimulated. In turn, ISFPs are drained by being in highly-structured, rigid environments that leave no room for creativity or activity. They also dislike being in situations where there is a lot of conflict and people aren’t taking the time to listen to each other compassionately. Having too many demands on their time, spending too much time around people, not having their values respected – these are all things that exhaust ISFPs.
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ISTPs are energized by having the freedom to explore their own interests and mentally and physically challenge themselves. In turn, they are drained by being micro-managed or forced into a rigid, overly-structured schedule. They hate being around incompetence or working with people who are illogical, emotionally reactive, or biased. They feel stifled and irritated when their eye for inaccuracies causes people to label them as “critical”, “arrogant”, or “cold”.
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ESFJs are energized by having a structured, organized environment where harmony is promoted and enjoyed. In turn, they are drained by poorly organized environments where people are procrastinating, lazy, or unwilling to follow through on their obligations. They also feel exhausted when they are in relationships where they are given a lot of criticism and their contributions aren’t recognized or acknowledged. Frequent, unexpected change is also a major energy-drain for them.
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ESTJs feel energized by completing tasks, meeting goals, and being in clearly structured environments. In turn, they are drained by environments that are disorganized or lacking direction. It’s especially bad if they are unable to have control in these environments or are forced to work beneath someone who seems wishy-washy, lazy, or incompetent. Other energy-drains include frequent interruptions, illogical behavior, and emotionally-intense environments.
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ISFJs feel energized by being in harmonious, peaceful, and structured environments. In turn, they feel drained by being in disorganized, poorly managed atmospheres. It’s especially bad if they are forced to “wing it” or adapt to sudden, unexpected changes on a regular basis. Other things that exhaust ISFJs include conflict situations, not having enough time to do work to their standards, or being faced with looming deadlines.
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ISTJs feel energized by being in smoothly managed, structured, and peaceful atmospheres. They like being around logical, practically-minded people. In turn, they are drained by environments that are in disarray or lack a clear direction. It’s especially bad if the people leading them wishy-washy or constantly changing directions. Other situations that exhaust ISTJs include emotionally-turbulent atmospheres, frequent change, or having to adapt to a new situation without any past experience to draw from.
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What Are Your Thoughts?
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Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.
As an ENTP-A, catcallers and other men i have rejected never stopping to chase me. Keep texting and approaching again and again. Anyone have a solution?
I think you might need to move to a new area. If the men are stalking you, you ought to get the police involved ASAP. Be very direct (think Extroverted Thinking) about your desire for the men to leave you alone. Also, if you did not explicitly say that you rejected them, they probably don’t know that you rejected them.
Decide what you want (which sounds to me like security and freedom to move on from the past), choose a way to measure whether you achieve the goals (example: fewer than 5 texts from the rejected men a month equals success), determine what you need to do to achieve your goals, gather all necessary resources and information, and start acting on your plan. Don’t end your efforts until you achieve your goals. As new information comes, you might need to change your methods but not your end goals. Oh, and make sure you stay away from any patterns of behavior that keep you stuck in the same bad situation that you are trying to escape from.
I hope this helps you and anyone else struggling with similar problems as the ones you voiced. (However, an MBTI and Enneagram blog is probably not the best place to get or ask for good, urgent advice on a serious topic that has absolutely nothing to do with personality type. No offense.) – one of many INTJs