10 Things That Excite the ISFP Personality Type
ISFPs, often called, “The Artists” or “The Composers” are known for being a combination of both dreamer and doer. These types are spontaneous and fun-loving but they are also guided by their deeply-held values and ideals. This article is going to discuss just a few of the things that really excite them. I hope you enjoy it!
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10 Things That Excite the ISFP Personality Type
#1 – Music
ISFPs fully engage their senses when listening to music. They use music for stress-relief, solidarity, connection, and romance. Whether they’re dancing to a favorite tune on the radio or strumming a tune on a guitar, music is a major satisfier for ISFPs.
#2 – Travel
ISFPs are free-spirits who are gifted with a strong sense of adventure. They want to see all that can be seen and experience new sights, sounds, foods, and cultures. With their open-minded curiosity into human nature, traveling to distant lands is hugely appealing to them.
#3 – Creating
Whether it’s scrapbooking, sculpting, or vlogging, ISFPs get a thrill from creating and crafting. They enjoy experimenting with a variety of different skills and putting a little of their own identity into each thing that they make.
#4 – Unstructured Time
ISFPs hate being bound by a rigid routine or an overly-structured timeline. They enjoy looking at their day and knowing that they have ZERO plans or obligations. They enjoy being able to wander, experience, and enjoy life with spur-of-the-moment pleasures rather than planned-out responsibilities.
#5 – Naps
Sinking into a bed of soft pillows and blankets for some much-needed shut-eye is a frequent satisfier for ISFPs. In fact, ISFPs are one of the most frequent types to use napping as a stress-relief technique according to the MBTI® Manual!
#6 – Animals
Many ISFPs are enthusiastic animal lovers and feel a strong sense of kinship with their four-legged friends. In fact, according to Do What You Are, ISFPs are frequently found in veterinary career fields!
#7 – Netflix
Curling up on the couch with a good snack and a new series to binge is a thrilling activity for many ISFPs. They enjoy connecting with new characters and engaging in thought-provoking stories all from the comfort and privacy of their own home.
#8 – Nature
ISFPs are revived by being in nature, surrounded by trees, the ocean or glimmering starlight. These types like to feel connected with the plants, animals, and environments that are untarnished by industry and civilization.
#9 – Food
ISFPs are true connoisseurs at heart, and they tend to enjoy cooking, baking, or trying out new, decadent restaurants. They tend to be adventurous eaters and they enjoy trying a variety of different cuisines.
#10 – Deep, Intimate Conversation
ISFPs enjoy raw, thought-provoking conversation, preferably in a one-on-one setting with a trusted friend. They enjoy listening, giving feedback, and experiencing empathy and solidarity with others in a quiet, peaceful setting.
What Are Your Thoughts?
Do these things bring you joy? Let us know in the comments!
Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.
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The article about what excies an ISFP is me to the “T”. I almost feel like someone has been peeking into me life! I have a much better understanding of myself more than ever since first taking the personality test!
This has truly changed how I see me!
Every single one. This list has helped me prioritise my needs (not something I’m good at).
This is me 100%!!
As an INFP I relate to most of these (except being excited by getting a nap – can’t sleep when I’m excited but I know people who can!). But there’s more to what excites an INFP – the sense of mystery, wonder, unconstrained imagination first come to mind. I guess ISFPs can relate as well, but perhaps to a lesser degree and for different reasons, which is what sets us apart.
Absolutely me. The only thing I would add to this list woukd be gardening. Being out in nature and getting to be creative with flowers and plants is always a joy for me
This would fit under #3 and #8 imo
YES! x 10
This is me! Cant believe how acurrate it is!!! 😆👍😆
Only thing I disagreed with is the cooking. I don’t like to cook. The pressure of feeding people stresses me out.
The first thing for me is actually books. For me to relax is by chilling with a book.
Amazing. 7 out of 10. No animals, netflix or naps for me. The rest is spot on. I do like dogs though–
All of the above for me!!
Totally correct! The cooking well. . . as my father use to say “Sharon the steak has been killed once don’t kill it again”. Well being ADHD I would also be working on a project and forget I was cooking. So I guess I burned a few meals.
Thank you for the insight on me. Helps a lot knowing the truth about myself mentally and physically on how I actually see and deal with my life