Boredom Busters for the ENFP Child
In a world filled with uncertainty and chaos, is your child absorbing some of the stress that’s invading your home? Are they feeling restless, under-stimulated, and directionless? Today I want to explore some of the reasons that ENFP children struggle with boredom, as well as some tips for combating it.
Why ENFP Children Are Especially Prone to Boredom
ENFPs are extroverted children who are stimulated by interaction with the world around them. They feel revived by new experiences – especially those involving people. Exploring new places, visiting new people, and experimenting with fascinating projects gives them a rush of energy that keeps their engines fueled up.
Because now is a time when so many of us are cooped up at home, ENFP children may feel drained by seeing the same four walls day in and day out. Their inability to explore the new can leave them feeling as drained as an introvert who is forced to socialize 24/7. So today we’re going to give you some immediate tips for helping your ENFP child.
First of all, what does ENFP mean?
E stands for Extrovert. ENFPs get their energy from interacting with the world around them. The outer world is more immediately stimulating than the inner world.
N stands for iNtuition. ENFPs focus on abstract possibilities before they focus on the concrete reality of what is happening right now.
F stands for Feeling. ENFPs focus primarily on their personal values and ethics when they make a decision.
P stands for Perceiving. ENFPs prefer a flexible, spontaneous approach to life rather than having their days totally planned out.
What to Watch Out For:
If your ENFP child is experiencing extreme stress they may become more reclusive, melancholy, and gloomy than usual. Normally open-minded and full of ideas, they will develop tunnel vision instead. Suddenly they will only see one way to do something, rather than many ways. They may become overly-fixated on their body’s signals and worry about illness. They can become more obsessed with details and concerned with feeling secure. If your child is experiencing this, they are probably having a “grip stress” episode. Try to put them at ease by giving them a sense that things are under control. Show them that they can trust you. Give them some extra one-on-one time. Make sure they’re taking care of their body and getting enough sleep. Find out more about ENFP stress here.
Boredom Busters for ENFP Children:
Just because you’re cooped up at home doesn’t mean your child can’t socialize! It just might have a different flavor than usual. Keep Zoom connected, schedule “talk-dates” with grandparents, cousins, and friends. If they’re struggling to come up with ice-breakers, here’s a list of thought-provoking questions.
Let them innovate
Stock up on craft supplies, or wander through the yard and find natural materials to concoct into something creative. Create inspiration boards. Make mix tapes of favorite songs to send to friends and family members. Give them a camera and let them capture ordinary objects in unusual perspectives or angles.
Foster their Imagination
Borrow some audiobooks on Overdrive, or purchase them on Audible! They can listen to audiobooks while taking a walk, cleaning, resting, or building a puzzle!
Give them art materials to experiment with, bust out the play-dough, let them watch YouTube Kids for some interesting art or craft ideas!
Let them read….ENFPs LOVE to read most of the time, but they need a book that broadens their imagination and doesn’t bog them down with concrete details.
Books to Read:
For older kids, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle, Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery (Anne is an ENFP!), Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sanchez, Shadow Hero by Gene Luen Yang & Sonny Liew.
For younger kids, try Sky Color by Peter Reynolds, The Dot by Peter Reynolds, Beautiful Oops by Barnie Saltzberg, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
Movies to Watch:
Back to the Future, The NeverEnding Story, Spirited Away, Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Labyrinth, Howl’s Moving Castle, Coraline, Moana, Coco, Anne of Green Gables, The Bridge to Terabithia.
Other Ideas:
- Crafts
- Scavenger hunts
- Creative Board Games (like Dixit or Telestrations)
- Unusual challenges (backwards day, “Keep Up” with balloons, making houses of cards)
- Journaling
- Art therapy projects
- Create an anything goes self-portrait
- Make inspiration boards
- Play pretend
- Plan out a movie night, complete with snacks, movies, and decorations
What Are Your Thoughts?
Do you have any suggestions for ENFP children? Let us know in the comments!
Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
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As an ENFP, I was thrilled as a child when I could get others to join in pretend play with me- not so much playing house, more like acting out stories/tv or inventing new adventures. Adventure was the main emphasis- pretending to be different people in different places. I don’t think adults should feel pressured to constantly join in their children’s games- having to “make their own fun” is good for kids- but occasional, whole-hearted joining in a game could be absolutely magical for an ENFP child.
Actually, I still have pretend adventures- they’re just all in my head.
Also, encourage a child to put on a short play would be educational as well as enjoyable- you might just have to explain to them it won’t be something on a “Great Performances at the Met” scale. We ENFP’s like to think BIG, but often you have to start small.
I am 20 years old and this is scary true I have watched and enjoyed almost all of the movies mentioned here. I love to read fictional books as well. Some more movies I recommend are – My Neighbor Totoro, Secret World of Arrietty, Mary and the Witch’s flower and Kiki’s Delivery Service.
I agree as an older ENFP (23). These ideas are just crazy enough to work for anyone who has an imagination.