Here’s Why You Should Avoid Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Ever wondered why a certain personality drives you absolutely bonkers?! Wonder no further. This post has all the reasons all the personality types will drive you nuts. Read on to find out why you should avoid…well…literally everyone.


This post is meant to be silly, lighthearted, and funny while poking fun at the stereotypes of each personality type. These descriptions are not meant to be taken literally. If you want a more serious post about each of the types, you can check out Here’s What Makes You Angry, Based On Your Personality Type.

Find out why you should avoid each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. #MBTI #INFJ #INFP

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

Reasons to Avoid ESTPs

If you find one of these creatures in the wild, prepare for trouble: ESTPs like you scared. ESTPs will do their darndest to convince you everything dangerous equates to “fun” rather than “massive hospital bill.” Don’t be fooled. You’re going to need about five energy drinks to keep up with these people and that’s where the heart attack starts. ESTPs count their broken bones like gold medals and will expect you to as well. They don’t think much about the future and you certainly won’t have one if you spend much time around them. It seems easy enough to avoid every person you find fist-fighting in the parking lot (a common recreational activity of the ESTP), but they know how to reel people in with an easygoing smile. Stay vigilant against such charms! If you’re not careful, you’ll be explaining to the authorities that your friend was simply jumping their truck over a crowd of people to “test the shocks.” And that, yes, the decapitations resulting from the “adventure” as well as the ESTP’s unfiltered that was so cool! were unplanned. Much like their entire life.

Reasons to Avoid ESFPs

Have you happened upon someone with just as much personality as they have flexes? You have likely discovered an ESFP. Their type will be confirmed if you look away for two seconds and they turn to dust. ESFPs perish without proper attention. If you’re worried already, you should be. ESFPs expect competition and jealousy from their friends. If you slip up, they will seduce your entire family and take them all to the neighborhood block party at the same time just because they can. Are you down for getting matching butterfly tattoos on a whim? I hope you’re prepared, because they never are. Don’t be surprised if they burn every off-brand item you own and toss you onto the heap for good measure. They might reconsider making you the star on that tree if you explain to them why they can’t take a selfie in jail beforehand.

Reasons to Avoid ISTPs

Unless there’s an apocalypse or your oil needs changing, stay away from these ones. You might have an easier time avoiding ISTPs in public than most types given they generally hate the public. However, if you plan a nice camping trip with friends, you’ll likely see an ISTP sharpening their knife in dead silence by the campfire. If you’re not interested in the two-sentence autobiography of a serial killer: do not engage. The only time an ISTP speaks up is to explain how to kill something. Otherwise, their closest confidant is their motorcycle.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional ISTPs

Reasons to Avoid ISFPs

Did you find someone who just so happens to look better than your entire family line in their wedding photos? That’s an ISFP. They’re dangerous. One moment, you’ll be listening to them talk about how music changed their life and the next they’ll be stomping on the brakes to prevent “an innocent bee” from perishing against the windshield. If you allow them into your home when they’re having a good day—don’t—your white walls will be replaced by tie-dye designs complete with wide-eyed animals and inspirational quotes. If you allow them into your home when they’re having a bad day—really, really don’t—your white walls will be covered in perfectly replicated Mona Lisa paintings with death metal lyrics across her face made to look like mustaches. Go ahead. Ask the ISFP what’s wrong. They won’t tell you. ISFPs can’t say “I feel sad because…” to save their lives, but they can redecorate an entire town full of buildings so we all know something’s wrong.

Read This Next: 24 Signs That You’re an ISFP, the “Virtuoso” Personality Type

Reasons to Avoid ESTJs

How do you feel about long lectures with “kiddo” or “bud” thrown into the lesson like sprinkles? Ever daydreamed about being retrained on how to do literally every task you’ve ever done? If you’re not looking to enhance your capacity to (insert productive ability here), I’d run the other way. ESTJs can’t help but command every room they walk into and work to “improve” the people in it. You might innocently enter a fast-food restaurant with your new friend intending to order some fries and instead watch them naturally slip into the role of pseudo-manager. Somebody has to get the place in top condition, right? You’ll soon notice how incredibly humble ESTJs are. They throw out phrases like, “I don’t think I have any weaknesses” and “I don’t think you know what you’re doing” without admonishing. They admit that they think, not that they know. So down to earth.

Read This Next: 24 Signs That You’re an ESTJ, the “Captain” Personality Type

Reasons to Avoid ESFJs

Don’t want to be dragged to every public function in a 100-mile radius? Then stay far away from every human who tries to hug you just barely after learning your name. ESFJs are lethal. They seep into your bloodstream, learn what you like, and use those favored things (cupcakes, WWII dioramas, the CIA, the false hope of a trust fund, etc.) to coax you into every task you never dreamed of doing. The person who invented the term “voluntold” probably had an ESFJ mother who folded their t-shirts into intentionally imperfect squares when she was upset. ESFJs don’t play. Unless you are prepared to gift snarky kids on the block lemonade spiked with sleeping meds, keep clear of these cooking show enthusiasts.

Read This Next: A Look at the ESFJ Leader

Reasons to Avoid ISTJs

You know that librarian that actually does their job rather than seduces innocent bystanders? See…I don’t even have to tell you to leave these ones alone. You already know. But not every ISTJ is the same. Sure, they like to fill accounting offices and IT service centers, but these types creep into every institution they can get their well-lotioned hands on. Are you prepared to hear the unnecessary backstory of every product you buy? Isn’t that your type of fun? ISTJs are so darn accountable you’ll be hoping a fly lands in their pudding just so they can have a moment to freak out about something.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional ISTJs

Reasons to Avoid ISFJs

These gremlins are the worst of the bunch. There should be a fire alarm blaring every time they walk into a room, because in their minds, there is one. ISFJs are fairly easy to spot. See a nervous wreck making cookies to stop their shaking? Yup. BINGO. ISFJs are notorious for making something edible whenever something little happens that they assume “reeks of death.” The little thing might be chipping their nail and worrying they’ll scratch someone to bits with its serrated edge. Or, it might be not unplugging their toaster before they leave and knowing a fire will start because of it. Feel like listening to someone shout “oh no!” every few minutes while you’re driving, only it has nothing to do with the road? Hard pass, right?

Read This Next: 10 Fictional ISFJ Characters

Reasons to Avoid ENTJs

Don’t want to hear someone talk about how they could make 50 billion a year, but need 10 billion to get started? Stay clear of ENTJs. They probably invented pyramid schemes and we have to give them credit—they work for the figurehead. ENTJs always have their hands in something. By “their hands,” I mean everyone else’s hands which do their grunt work. ENTJs mostly lay about on their leather sofas forgetting to eat while they watch soap operas they would never admit to watching unless their lawyer was present. If you expect your friends to help you on the spur of the moment, look elsewhere. These types have their calendar booked twelve years in advance. Heck, they already know what will be written in their obituary! And yours! Do you really want to know how things end? That’s what I thought.

Read This Next: The Flirting Style of the ENTJ Personality Type

Reasons to Avoid ENTPs

Don’t want to be around someone who could be a god but accomplishes nothing but trolling? Then you better keep a three state-wide barrier between you and them, because ENTPs will find you. They can find anything, except for the motivation necessary to accomplish what they should actually be doing. On the topic of responsibility, it should be noted that these creatures have no sense of it. ENTPs come with a homing beacon for lost souls and degenerates. They can’t help but snicker with others about how terrible society is without lifting a finger to change it. Not unless changing it includes intergalactic travel or a sushi buffet. Be wary of these ones. They speak with hints of wonder and megalomania. Stick around too long and you may find yourself in Oz.

Read This Next: 10 Must-Read Books for ENTPs

Reasons to Avoid INTJs

In need of a house plant that thinks? If no, steer clear of everyone playing chess (they must be INTJs). If your answer is yes, I don’t believe you (do we really need Allegory of the Flora?). INTJs are the dark souls of academia. They whisper sweet nothings into the night (they don’t say anything). Talking to an INTJ is a lot like having a conversation with a wall, but the wall is more expressive. You’d find a better conversationalist in a tree trunk than in an INTJ. I could go on, but all you would learn is that INTJs are the quintessential cats of the human species. They like to be fed, but are reluctant to admit they need you or anyone else on the planet. Probably because they don’t.

Read This Next: 26 Memes Any INTJ Will Relate To

Reasons to Avoid INTPs

Don’t want to be corrected with reason for no reason? Stay away from INTPs. They can’t help but point out every flaw they see. It’s not fun for you and that makes it fun for them. If you spend much time around them, you’ll probably note how hard it is to tell what they’re feeling. This is because they probably left that upgrade at home. It takes effort to install a new program and effort is something INTPs only have for going down rabbit holes on topics like “quantum physics,” “Einstein was a god,” and “how to acquire food without actually making food yourself.” These little balls of mental fury are like squirrels. Cute from afar, but strictly avoidant of anything that demands an attention span.

Read This Next: 12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INTP

Reasons to Avoid ENFJs

Is someone telling you to “manifest your best life” every two seconds? Congratulations. You found an ENFJ. They do that. Although, these types are particularly easy to spot. There are usually 50 or so people following them around making sure their royal robes don’t hit the ground. ENFJs can’t help but collect people like trinkets. They make sure they have a doctor, a lawyer, and an assassin in their pockets for when the need arrives. The need always does. ENFJs have an innate ability to entice people into action. They basically invented “the Kool-Aid,” so unless you want to turn down every drink someone sends your way, I wouldn’t befriend them.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional ENFJs

Reasons to Avoid ENFPs

Don’t want to invest in a bounce house and a lifetime supply of band-aids? It will literally be impossible to be friends with an ENFP if not. ENFPs are like flies zooming straight towards fly traps. Traps they could have avoided if only they hadn’t dissociated from their body…again. Flies seem likes the perfect metaphor for the ENFP given how they seem to wind up zooming through every random possibility in life in a mere five minutes. They’re scattered, they’ll jump on a plane without more than an hours’ notice, and they’ll even attempt to jump off a roof “just to see what happens.” If you befriend an ENFP, you’re basically going to be caught in an infinity-long conversation with a cake pop. Sure, they look delicious, but you can’t enjoy the meal when it jabbers on at 50 mph without taking a breath. And is that how you want to spend your time? Chatting with a dessert about everything from global warming to why wearing mismatched socks is preferable? Didn’t think so.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional ENFP Characters

Reasons to Avoid INFJs

Don’t want to succumb to the void and forget who you are? Turn back. If you can. INFJs have a strong gravitational pull that grips onto your aura and drags you to the underworld. Stay alert with these ones. One moment you’ll be mentioning how nice your life is and the next you will be overcome by the fact that you’ve never really been happy and no one has ever really understood you. INFJs have that effect on people. They point out the truths no one wants to acknowledge, forgetting that no one wants to acknowledge them for a reason. In short, keep INFJs off the guest list if you don’t want everyone in the immediate vicinity to have an existential crisis. It’s not worth it.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional INFJ Characters

Reasons to Avoid INFPs

Don’t want to raise a whimsical child with klutzy tendencies? Run from every being that glows of innocence then. INFPs like to pretend they are helpless, when, in reality, they can assess what motivates you at your core instantly and will use that information as they wish. Much like baby vampire bats that seem “adorbs” and completely gentle from a distance, they hide their hungry little fangs. INFPs know what they’re doing. You’re the one who doesn’t. Take special care to not have an opinion around one either. They’re sure to point our how you’re not taking someone into consideration. Don’t tell them you’re fumigating your house for zombies. It wouldn’t be fair to the zombies.

Read This Next: 12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INFP

What Are Your Thoughts?

Did you enjoy this article? Did it make you laugh? Let us know in the comments! You can also find out more in our eBooks about personality type, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer.

About the Author:

Jami Cannon is an MBTI® enthusiast who hopes to shed more light on the SJ experience. She holds a very stereotypical degree in History (MA) and loves to learn all she can about the people around her.
Find out why you should avoid each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. #MBTI #INFJ #INFP
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  1. This is hilarious but, in my experience, very true. Especially the part about me, Mrs INFJ herself. Can’t help but point out truths about situations that will result in crises, can’t help but be dismayed people don’t want to acknowledge they can defer or even prevent the crises I see will happen, and always have to remind myself that they prefer to think their “paradise” will exist forever and stubbornly resist mounting evidence to the contrary. The passing years have shown me that their stubbornness prevents them from acknowledging I was right all along. And, yes, I’ve recently woken up to the reason why I am usually on no-one’s guest list. Thank you so much for a hearty laugh at the toxic MBTI types I cannot escape and at myself today :):):):):)!

    1. Thank you for posting this! I feel exactly the same way. Sometimes I think beating my head against a brick wall for an hour would be less painful and less damaging.

  2. INFP. We are truly innocent. Just not naive. We mean the best for people and we don’t use your stuff against you. Just don’t underestimate us.

  3. I loved this! Entertaining and sarcastic with just enough truth to play around with and laugh! I am an INFP and I flipping loved this light-hearted and clever post…thank you, Jamie (and Susan)!

  4. Okie dokie, so basically live your life in a shell with no friends or accept them for their quirks and flaws and enjoy life. Everyone is flawed, everyone. As long as they are not a narcissistic pathological lying psychopath (my ex-husband is), then most people are pretty normal, flaws and all. I agree there are certain personality types who can drain your energy just being around them. When they start, take a few steps back. But for the most part, those are the same ones who will drag you out of your shell and have an unexpected blast in everything you do. Just know, you’re going to take a back seat to them, they love the limelight. I’m more than willing to do that since I don’t usually care for being in the lime light, but like adventures.

  5. This is hysterical!! I got a laugh at every type, and especially my own, ESTJ. This may have been written as a light hearted look at the annoying aspects of each type, but it is spot on! Thanks for making my day!

  6. So totally true for the INFJ, even if this was supposed to be lighthearted. We tend to shed light on things that people would prefer to stay abyssed. Existential crisis indeed, beware! Thanks!

  7. a very near sighted and stereotypical generic description
    but I understand broad generalizations are necessary as the nuances of each type would be hard to describe.

    1. It’s supposed to be funny, not serious 🙂 I put a disclaimer in there at the beginning of the article, but I think a lot of people bypassed that.

    2. Maybe learn the nuances between what’s clearly humoristic and what’s serious?

      I think humour is an awesome way to highlight some stuff that are still very true but indeed stereotypical. But yeah that’s not for everyone I guess. Ew fun.

  8. These may be intended to ne funny, but some of them are SO true! I laughed out loud on reading ISTP (me) and ENTP (my delusionally psycho ex) because I know several people who would recognize us based on this article.

  9. Well it’s certainly true for my family members. Infj here couldn’t help but notice that is often the way my interactions with people go.
    Stating the obvious to people that don’t want to know. Thanks for the laugh.

  10. Had to laugh at the ISFP description, so true!

    Nobody understands my occasional dark moods (because I won’t talk about them 🙄), and I fantasize about covering my town in chalk murals for one glorious night of aesthetic pranking (pretty sure Banksy is an ISFP)!

    I even hid this favorite Bible verse in the celestial swirls of a Starry Night print lol 😆:

    “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers; The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; Who is man, that You are mindful of him, or the children of men, that You would visit them?
    -Psalm 8:3-4

    Thanks for the amusing article, had to laugh when I saw some of my friends’ tendencies in their types as well! 😝😂

  11. Uh ohhhh!!!! Spot on with the ISFJ portrayal!!! Yes, I am the world’s biggest back seat driving yelling watch out every two seconds!
    Also, everyone know that baking and cooking scares away all life’s little demons and the evil voices in our heads!! Very perceptive and funny!!

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