The Courage of the ENFP Personality Type

No matter what time period a person lives in, courage will always be a fundamental pillar of survival. In the stone age, courage might have been the bravery to go on a hunt and provide for your family. In more modern times, it might be the courage to stand up for what you believe in or the courage to start your own business.

Each of us has a type of courage that comes more naturally to us than to other individuals. We can strengthen this natural bravery or we may lose it if we’re living in an unhealthy state.

Some personality types are brave about testing their ideas for inaccuracies, others are brave about standing up for a cause even when the crowd is against them.

What does courage mean for ENFPs? How does their natural courage show up in the world and what are some areas that they can become even braver? That’s what we’ll be exploring in today’s article!

What is an ENFP?

ENFP Extrovert Intuitive Feeling Perceiving

Before we begin, are you unsure what an ENFP even is? The ENFP is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. ENFPs make up about 8% of the population and are known for their outgoing, optimistic, and spontaneous nature. ENFPs are often described as the “visionaries” because they enjoy thinking outside the box and coming up with grand possibilities for the future. At their best, they are the Walt Disney’s and J.J. Abram’s of the world; they see unusual possibilities and bring them to life in dazzling ways that inspire the rest of us.

If you’re not sure what your Myers-Briggs® personality type is, you can take our questionnaire here.

Your Bravery as an ENFP

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Like Walt Disney, you believe in the power and reality of dreams. You know that imagination paired with courage is a powerful formula for success. Most days you believe that anything is possible, and that life is a treasure trove of opportunities just waiting to be snatched before they fly away.

This kind of courage is evident in your everyday life. ENFPs are often the ones taking risks and pushing boundaries because they see the potential payoff. ENFPs are also very good at inspiring others to take risks and pursue their dreams. You have a natural ability to see the best in people and you often encourage them to reach for their potential even when nobody else believes in them.

“Genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” – Aldous Huxley

Marching to the Beat of Your Own Drum

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

You are also courageous in your willingness to be different. People with your personality type often march to the beat of their own drum and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. You know that being different is not a bad thing, it is actually what gives you a one-of-a-kind opportunity to bring something new and original to the world.

In your own way you are often a trendsetter and innovator because you are not afraid to be yourself.

You’re someone who enjoys rocking the boat, exploring new ideas, and turning tradition on its head. You have courage when it comes to exploring the untrodden paths of the mind. Some people stick with the safety of tradition or the known; you venture beyond that and aren’t afraid to do so. You don’t mind going against the grain and aren’t usually afraid to stand up against something you see as unjust or violating. Even though you’re a feeling type, you don’t mind instigating conflict if a value is at stake. You may be the first to stand up against a bully, speak up against a popular social practice that everyone is buying into, or rebel against an authority that you don’t agree with.

Beauty in Chaos

In situations that are cataclysmic or chaotic you truly shine. You can mobilize and become active in these situations, providing solutions, ideas, and possibilities when everyone else are losing their heads. There’s a comfort in uncertainty that you find solace in while others are running for the exits or the familiarity of the known.

The ENFP’s Natural Bravery:

  • Trying new things
  • Living with uncertainty
  • Dealing with change
  • Testing beliefs
  • Standing up against injustice
  • Fighting for the underdogs of the world
  • Following potential possibilities, even if they’re risky
  • Being authentic
  • Rebelling against injustice, even if it makes them (or others) uncomfortable
  • Opening their mind to new ideas, cultures, and ways of thinking
  • Talking to people from a wide variety of life experiences and backgrounds

Keep in mind, certain “natural” forms of ENFP bravery will still take work and may not always feel natural. Embracing this side of yourself and experimenting with it and growing is always important!

How to Embrace More Courage:

Embrace meaning and purpose even if means dealing with occasional boredom and restlessness

While the new and unfamiliar may call to you like a siren song, there’s something to be said for endurance when life gets monotonous or dull. Sticking to our commitments even when they get hard takes a different type of courage. You may start a project only to anxiously look for a distraction when things get tedious. I urge you to see the value in things that feel mundane in the moment.

The big dreamers of the world still have to do their taxes, get their teeth cleaned, and pay their bills. None of us like these nitty-gritty, mundane jobs but without them your dreams can get stalled and pushed to the backburner repeatedly until there’s nothing but half-finished projects and unfulfilled desires in your wake.

Running away from an idea or dream when it becomes tedious is not the way to embrace your courage. The same can be said for running away from relationships when the hard work is involved. Some ENFPs (not all) are so attracted to the novel and new things of the world that they cut ties when anything gets hard.

While it’s important to have healthy boundaries, it’s not okay to give up on a dream or person just because you’re not in a constant state of infatuation with it/them. Stick with the boredom for a little while if the boredom will give you a meaningful outcome. Cultivate patience and endurance in order to gain the satisfaction and beauty of a life well-lived.

Develop Comfort with People Who Think Differently

There are people who see the world in fundamentally different ways from how you do. Perhaps you feel restless in their presence because they’re mentally operating in a completely different way. But if you give them time you might learn something about them that you can use to strengthen your own passions and dreams.

As an ENFP you’re far different from an ISFJ personality type; but they may help you to see the beauty and meaning in the smaller, quieter moments of life. They may help you slow down, recharge, and notice details that bring you a great deal of joy.

As an ENFP you’re wired very differently from an ISTP; but they may help you to refine the logical principles of your ideas. They may help you spot opportunities you might have missed otherwise or they may help you test your ideas in the real world and look for ways to calibrate them for success.

Tap into your intuition to be curious about people, even people who you don’t “get.” See what you can learn from them or what you can teach them! At the same time, be sure to spend time around people who revive you emotionally and psychologically as well.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Did you enjoy this article? Do you have any insights or thoughts to add that could help fellow ENFPs? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Hi Susan ~
    Thank u so much for this article, as an ENFP it was lovely to read :). I love reading everything u write and seeing the beautiful pictures on your posts! Have a beautiful day 🖤

  2. Susan: Based on this article alone, am pretty sure I am an ENFP. Innovative, not afraid to stand up to injustice, comfortable with being different, that describes me perfectly. When our company was relocating, the general mode was panic. I used a Stoic principle to calm people down. Great article.

  3. Susan, how long does it take one to be certified in MBTI? I can see how it could help at work and with my children. Going through a divorce with 7 kids involved and I want to write a book to my kids. So that they will have a chance to know me someday. As they have been kidnapped and held hostage for an uncertain amount of time. I want my book to be helpful to them and not just an epic tale in my ENFP personality type.

  4. I recognized myself when I read the ENFP personality. I used to think that some of my traits were out of sync with many of my friends but now I understand myself better. Thanks

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