3 Things You’d Never Do, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Today we’re taking a look at three things you’d never dream of doing, based on your Myers-Briggs personality type. I know there are nuances between people, and everyone is one-of-a-kind, but I think I’d be seriously shocked if I saw these things taking place (an ENFJ saying they don’t feel like talking when someone wants to confide in them? I mean….in what world?). But if you disagree, or have a different opinion, be sure to let me know in the comments! I’m very curious!
Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
3 Things You’d Never Do, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
When your partner starts micro-managing you, immediately complying without hesitation.
Turning off the lights, laying in bed, and instantly falling asleep without getting absorbed in dozens of random thoughts.
Just blindly following the rules, because who cares why they exist, right?
Not speaking your mind when someone is being ignorant because you’re afraid of offending them
Saying, “we don’t need to re-make the wheel here” or “let’s just do things the way they’ve always been done”
Taking the blue pill when offered the red one
Micro-managing your partner because they get lost in their head too much
Dispassionately throwing away a letter from an old flame
Having a conversation and only formulating your responses instead of listening
Asking everyone if you can be the master of ceremonies at your next high school reunion
Ignoring logical fallacies in an argument
Sending an email or text message in all caps
Saying a simple “bye” instead of adding “have a great day!” “it was great to see you!” or “let’s do this again!”
Saying “I don’t feel like talking,” when a friend who’s going through a hard time calls you up
Not dreaming up your future goals for an entire week
Being passive-aggressive and whiny instead of saying directly what’s wrong when you’re mad at someone
Distracting yourself with reality television when an important decision needs to be made
Sitting back and playing on your phone when a meeting or group project is being run inefficiently or ineffectively
Taking everything at face value instead of looking for underlying meanings or motives
Walking by a bookstore without going in
Sparking a conflict or argument because you’re bored
Jubilantly getting involved in some small talk and gossip because it’s the polite thing to do
Scrapping your 20-year-life-plan and deciding to live entirely in the moment from now on
Telling someone “You’d look better if you smiled!” when you walk by them
Taking six months to go to a silent retreat and dwell on the meaning of life
Declining an invitation to a party because you have paperwork to do
Mapping out a detailed to-do list for the week and following it to the tee.
Driving the speed limit (or a few miles less) in the left-hand lane
Saying no to a dare because it’s too intimidating
Sniffing loudly for a long time instead of just blowing your nose
Buying a minimalist wardrobe that lacks any personality or individual touches
Picking on someone simply because the popular crowd is doing it
Spending your weekend creating a 20-year life plan
Revealing your life story to someone you just met
Relying on generalizations rather than specifics when arguing
Blocking a busy walkway to get a photo
Giving the silent treatment to a partner and making them guess what’s wrong for a whole day
Pointing out the logical fallacies in your friend’s words when they’re unloading their feelings to you about a breakup
Not holding the door for the person behind you
Saying nothing when someone places a glass of ice water on a wooden coffee table
Seeing a job being done poorly and deciding it would be better just to ignore it and not say anything
Leaving your shopping cart by your car instead of returning it to the stall after grocery shopping
Accepting all compliments with a simple “thank you” and not brushing them off, minimizing, or coming up with a compliment to give back
Staring vacantly at your phone when someone is talking to you
Calling up a dramatic talk-show host and getting into a screaming match on-air
Making an appointment with a doctor without looking at their reviews or checking their credentials
Hitting “Send” on an email without re-reading it to check for errors
Eating leftovers and putting the empty container back in the fridge
What Are Your Thoughts?
Would you do these things? Do you defy your type in some way? Let us know in the comments!
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Not only would an INTP not send an email in all caps, but he/she would write complete, grammatically-correct sentences with appropriate punctuation, and not click “Send” until it all of the pertinent details (and there would be many) were included and it was proofread, tweaked and word-smithed to convey exactly the meaning (and tone) that was intended. It might even expound and overstate to preclude any possibility of misinterpretation.
Nope, ADHD and ISTJ don’t mix; containers and empty bags go right back into the fridge whilst I’m rewatching scenes of last night’s episode of my show in my head, simultaneously hearing a random song and pondering the 30 things I need done before next week. Spoons also go in the trash and containers in the sink. The rest is spot on though
I wonder if this would be better titled “Three things your HEALTHY Myers-Briggs type would never do”… It seems like in grip-stress mode a lot of types might act contrary, even opposite to their usual natures. What do you think?
INFJ here. I won’t spark an argument, but I will absolutely spark a controversial discussion. It has to be philosophical though.
This post was especially good for most types. I write this as an INTP:-)
As an INTJ, “Jubilantly getting involved in some small talk and gossip because it’s the polite thing to do” will never happen unless it is absolutely necessary to achieve the correct outcome.
As an ISFJ I would never skydive.
Hi – I’m an EFSP and have been following your articles for a few months now. I really have gained a lot of valuable insights and love to read them. Most have really been spot on! I diverged a bit on this one. I do think I’d go spend 6 months to dwell on the meaning of life. Maybe it’s my curious nature to learn something new.
And skipping a party to complete paperwork maybe not, but I did skip a party invitation to finish a self improvement program. Perhaps not quite the same thing as paperwork, but it was more like work than fun, even if I’ve gained valuable knowledge.
Say whaattt? After reading this I’m doubting if I am really an INTJ. Coz I’d do all three of them depending on the situation 💁
Hi Susan,
I am an INTJ. Telling someone, “you’d look better if you smiled.” Is about as belittling, condescending and insulting a comment I can imagine making to another human being. It implies I know how a person should behave and act better than the individual them self. I t implies I know what’s good for them more than they do. It implies they are incompetent with even ordinary behavior and that I know how to correct their incompetence.
In short, it is about as belittling to the other person and as much a reflection of my own thoughtless stupidity as could be.
I am a firm believer in the adage, “If you have nothing good to say then don’t say anything.” Maybe I’m sophomoric and simplistic but it is better, in my view than belittling another human. As Jesus said (and I am not a dogmatic Christian) “Worry not what goes into your mouth but rather what comes out of it.”