Surviving Summer as a Parent, Based On Your Personality Type

Summer can be a magical time filled with pool trips, popsicles, and 4th of July fireworks. At the same time, it can be a season of overwhelm, interruptions, and incessant repetitions of “I’m bored. What can I do?” Today we’re going to look at some survival techniques for each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types.  Let’s go ahead and explore those today!

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.

The summer can be a beautiful and overwhelming time for many parents, and there are some unique struggles that each personality type faces when dealing with children. This article is packed with tips for managing the summer craze without losing your mind! #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP

Not sure what your child’s personality type is? This questionnaire can help you out!

Surviving Summer as a Parent, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

The ENFP Parent

You can handle a lot more commotion and action than most parents, but you also struggle with the added chores, details, and mundane routines involved in daily life. You tire of washing the dishes, cleaning up the messes, and listening to “The Wheels On the Bus” over and over again.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ENFP Parent:

  • Start implementing chores. If your children are old enough to play games on your tablet, they are old enough to help unload the dishwasher, dust, or put away their toys. Pick one hour out of the day to do “family clean up.” But make it fun! God knows if it’s boring none of you will be interested. Turn on an exciting playlist and see if you can conquer one task for each song. The challenge and excitement will make the chores fun rather than soul-sappingly boring.
  • Implement independent time. You’ll be seeing this tip for many of the personality types here. Let your kids listen to an audiobook and color while you get some time to yourself to think, imagine, and focus on your own projects.
  • Don’t beat yourself up for the messes. Your kids won’t care about those in 20 years. They will care that you showed empathy, had fun with them, and listened to them when they needed to talk.
  • Simplify cleaning. Have one giant bucket in the living room and have kids toss all their toys into it at the end of the day. You may need a smaller bin for things like Legos, but try to keep the containers and shelves as minimal as possible. Strategically store cleaning supplies so you don’t have to wander all over the house trying to bring them to the place you need. Minimize toys, clothing, and clutter so you don’t have to spend so much time tidying up.

The ENTP Parent

Your natural curiosity and social nature can make parenting an exciting challenge. But over the summer months that challenge can be a little excessive for even the most gregarious ENTPs. You want to explore new ideas, learn new things, and have some space for your independent pursuits. Constant parenting can leave you feeling trapped and controlled.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ENTP Parent:

  • Hire some outside help or ask for help from family so that you can get some time to yourself to focus on your independent interests. Remember that it doesn’t make you incompetent or weak to need help.
  • Find activities to do with your children that actually interest you. Read books together (encourage their love of reading by doing it regularly, even if they seem bored initially). Teach them board games. Have a movie marathon of your favorite children’s movies.
  • Create a “boredom jar” for your kids. Cut scraps of paper, write down different activities, crafts, games, chores, or books they could read. Whenever your kids say they are bored, have them grab a scrap of paper from the boredom jar.
  • ENTP moms, don’t beat yourself up for not behaving like the typical Sensing-Feeling female. While these types make up the majority of the population, you still have a lot of incredible skills that you bring to life at home. You nurture independence, foster a love of learning, and help to raise children who are curious, imaginative, and creative.

The INFP Parent

You bring a lot of empathy and creativity to the world of your children. Your love of imagination gives you the ability to tell breathtaking stories, pretend in delightful ways, and come up with unique playtime ideas that enrapture your children. That said, as an introvert you can get overwhelmed by the noise and constant interruptions of parenting life. You can also feel frustrated by the mundane chores that pile up for you to do. You also struggle to get comfortable in a world where you are a minority in the personality sphere. You often feel pressured to balance society’s expectations for organization, structure, and discipline with your own more free-spirited ways.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an INFP Parent:

  • Make sure you’re getting chunks of unstructured time throughout the day to enrich your imagination or use your creativity. Hire a babysitter, let your kids listen to an audiobook while they play with play dough, set up a “reading nook” for them to enjoy. Do what you can to ensure that you’re getting some autonomy each day.
  • Because there are so few INFPs out there in the world, you may constantly feel like a square peg in a round hole. You might discount your intuition, pressure yourself to behave more like a Judging type, or worry that you’re not “good enough.” I want to encourage you to believe in yourself, even if you don’t parent how most parents do. Trust your intuition, recognize your unique strengths, and give yourself room to be creative and parent in your own way. Your empathy, creativity, open-mindedness, and gentleness are crucial for your children’s well-being.
  • Take 20 minutes or more each day to exercise. Doing so can boost stress-relieving endorphins in your brain. It can also help improve your sleep patterns so that you feel less groggy and unfocused during the day.
  • Take a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect. Think about what worked and what didn’t work during the day, and make notes about how you could implement any positive changes.

Read This Next: 24 Signs That You’re an INFP, The “Dreamer” Personality Type

The INTP Parent

Intellectual and ingenious, you foster curiosity and independence in your children. You help them to try things for themselves, experiment with a variety of possibilities, and think critically. You show them that you respect their mind and reasoning – even feeling satisfied when they debate you with clever arguments. That said, a summer packed with parenting can leave you feeling over-stimulated and caged in. You love your freedom and autonomy and can feel trapped by the incessant demands of parenting.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an INTP Parent:

  • Send your kids outside on a regular basis. Studies show that children need 3 hours of outside time each day, and hardly any children are actually getting that. Invest in some good outdoor toys (Frisbees, sandbox, a water table, a swing set, etc,.) and send them out so you can get some regular quiet time to yourself. Also, stock up on umbrellas and rain boots. Kids love jumping in puddles in the rain! You might need to watch them from a window (depending on their ages) but the benefits to you AND them are worth it. Keep in mind that they might argue with you initially if they’re not used to being outdoors so much, but slowly work their stamina for the outdoors up.
  • INTP mothers, acknowledge and accept your strengths. It’s easy for you to feel like an outcast when you’re surrounded by predominantly Sensing-Feeling females. But your unique strengths can give your children a leg-up in a competitive world. You foster independence and teach your children to ask questions, be curious, make mistakes (and solve them), and face life with bravery. You are a crucial and loving parent, and the fact that you don’t blend in with the majority doesn’t make you any less competent.
  • Brainstorm a list of things you actually enjoy doing with your children. Keep these things on hand when they’re craving your attention. Sometimes it’s easy to forget these things in the heat of the moment and you wind up getting irritable and doing something boring instead.
  • Dealing with the noise and confusion of family life can be overwhelming for anyone, but especially for someone as introverted as you. Talk to your partner about ways you can get micro-breaks to decompress when it’s been especially chaotic (he/she may need them too!). Also, set timed “quiet breaks” in your house when you need some calm. Set a timer, tell everyone to try as hard as they can not to make a sound until the timer goes off (just be reasonable – don’t set it for three hours or anything), and take a few minutes to breathe and calm your senses. Even if it’s just three minutes, those three minutes of silence can help you to clear your mind. You can find more tips in this article.

The ENFJ Parent

Generous and insightful, you’re a parent who makes your children feel understood and valued. You help your children to see the big picture, understand life from multiple perspectives, and go against the grain to follow their dreams. That said, the pressures of parenting can be a struggle even for someone as people-oriented as you. You can struggle to manage discipline, perfectionism, and mundane chores.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ENFJ Parent:

  • Get some time for yourself. Even as an extrovert, you need to be able to separate yourself from the emotions and moods of other people in your home. Take a walk outside, a drive in the car, whatever you have to do to wind down. This can also give you the chance to tap into your Intuition and Sensing to avoid overusing your dominant Feeling function. By giving your strong Feeling side a break, you can gain a better grasp and understanding of home situations that are causing you concern, and avoid over-stressing yourself.
  • Set your priorities and make sure they align with your values. As someone who wants to satisfy the needs of other people, it can be difficult for you to say “No,” especially when it comes to your kids or your spouse. Think about what you want your family values to be. Talk about it with your spouse. When decisions need to be made or someone is asking you for help, try to make sure that your answer aligns with your family values. If you crave a family that is unplugged from social media, don’t cave when your teen asks you to approve Instagram. Stay strong when the waterworks or protests come (because they will). You can do this!
  • You’re a naturally intense personality, and that can be a good thing. Because of this, humor is an essential coping mechanism for you. Your sense of humor helps you to soften your intensity and not get riled up when things go against your plan. Take some time to watch something that makes you laugh, read a funny book, or simply look for a funny interpretation of an otherwise difficult scenario.

The ENTJ Parent

Ambitious and insightful, you’re someone who wants to prepare your children for a life of independence and success. You care more about long-term gains than short-term satisfaction, so you teach your children to have the big picture in focus at all times. Your biggest parenting difficulties stem from not having a sense of control in your environment. Dealing with the monotony and emotional overwhelm of parenting life can be intensely frustrating – like an itch you can’t scratch. You want to get things done and make great strides in progress, but then you wind up dealing with tantrums and monologues about Paw Patrol instead.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ENTJ Parent:

  • Organize your day according to your priorities, and then time block your day. Having a sense of structure will help you to feel more content and at ease. Knowing when it’s time to play, time to work, time to read, time to rest – having all of this organized will help you to be more satisfied with your lifestyle.
  • Realize that (especially in the toddler years) tantrums and emotional breakdowns are normal. You don’t have to distract your kids, fix things for them, or feel like a “bad parent” because they are out of control. Just allow yourself to be with them in their emotion and support them. You don’t have to have the right words to say, there’s no magic cure. Over time the emotions will calm down and they’ll be happy to know that you supported them through their “venting session.”
  • Young children get overwhelmed easily, but your natural sense of structure and order will give them a sense of safety and stability within the home. Recognize your strengths, especially if you’re an ENTJ mom who feels out of place around the majority of other mothers. You are an inspiring and responsible role model for your children. You may not match up with the average mom, but that can be a good thing!
  • Make sure you’re getting time for yourself each day. You need a block of unstructured time to enjoy some silence without worrying about everyone else’s needs. This time will help rejuvenate you, build up your patience, and get you in touch with your intuition.

The INFJ Parent

Gentle and empathic, you’re someone who connects with your children in deep and meaningful ways. You encourage authenticity and generosity in your home and don’t mind wading through the emotional turmoil your children go through to try to help them and affirm their feelings. While you love your children deeply, you can also get overwhelmed with the noise and commotion of parenting life. Dealing with interruptions, discipline, and a never-ending list of mundane chores can leave you feeling restless and irritable.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an INFJ Parent:

  • You’re a very relational, affirming person. You enjoy deeply connecting with your children and ensuring that they know you’re available at all times. Because you care so deeply about being emotionally present for your children, you can burn yourself out. You take on their feelings readily, absorbing them into yourself. This means that when they have tantrums, heartaches, and other hardships you take it hard. It’s vital for you to get time for yourself each day to decompress and hone in to your own thoughts. Meditate, take a quiet walk in nature, journal, or listen to music.
  • Take a moment to find humor in everyday situations. Life as a parent has some severe struggles. Learning to accept the ups and downs with a bit of humor can help you to survive and thrive. Make it a game to find something funny in any situation – this practice can also help your children to de-intensify when they’re having a tantrum. Your calmness will help instill calmness in them.
  • Dealing with clutter, dishes, laundry, and other nitty-gritty details can make you feel bored and uninspired. Make sure household duties are fairly split between partners and find ways to make them less mundane than usual. Listen to an audiobook or your favorite songs while you clean. Teach your kids to take responsibility for their part of the cleaning. Get rid of as much excess clutter as possible so that you have to spend less time tidying up.
  • Find ways to get peace and quiet. Don’t feel ashamed if you need to ask for help. Ask a parent, friend, or babysitter to step in and watch the kids regularly so you can get a break on a scheduled basis. Just knowing that break is ahead of you can help you to feel less exhausted.

Read This Next: Your INFJ Personality Type and Your Enneagram Type

The INTJ Parent

Independent and intellectual, you foster your children’s curiosity and bravery. You teach them that it’s okay to embrace their own individuality and question the norms and expectations of society. You also take on the role of teacher quite readily, filling your children’s minds with ideas and knowledge from many diverse avenues. Your insightful, committed presence is a beacon of strength to your children. That said, the noise, chaos, and emotional intensity of raising children can feel overwhelming to you. Having your deep thoughts interrupted by “The Wheels On the Bus” can make you grit your teeth and clench your fists in unexpressed rage.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an INTJ Parent:

  • Make sure your kids are having quiet, independent playtime each day. This will give you a chance to quiet your mind and focus on some of your own interests. Make this time fun by having a carefully selected box of activities you only bring out for this segment of time. It may take some training, but once your children get used to this it will really improve your quality of life as a parent.
  • Find things you love doing as a parent and make them a routine. Not a fan of tea parties or hide-and-seek? Get creative and think up some ideas of things you enjoy that your child might also enjoy. Sometimes fifteen minutes of brainstorming can give you a handful of inspiring routines that you and your kids can enjoy for many years!
  • Get some quiet, solitary time. INTJ parents need to get time alone regularly. They get over-stimulated and worn out from being in a bustling family all day long. Taking some time each day to think, journal, read a book, or meditate can help them to refresh and be happier, more present parents.
  • Acknowledge your strengths. INTJs need to recognize their skills and abilities as parents rather than comparing themselves to other parents. This is especially true for INTJ moms who often compare themselves to Sensing-Feeling moms (who make up the majority of the female population in the U.S.) Each personality type has their own strengths that no other type can emulate quite as well. INTJs are teachers, visionaries, intellectuals, and individualists. They have many strengths that make them remarkable and supportive in a way that other parents aren’t.

The ESFP Parent

Charismatic and down-to-earth, you bring the fun into your children’s lives. You know how to make the most of any day and can usually re-frame negative situations into something positive because of your resourceful spirit. While you’re naturally sociable and energetic, even you can get overwhelmed by the high-demands of parenting. Being caged in by routines, bedtimes, naps, and everything else can feel stifling to you.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ESFP Parent:

  • You’re a very giving, generous parent. You want to be there on a constant basis for your children. At the same time, you can wind up with no time left for yourself. This can make you resentful and disillusioned. It’s important to prioritize some time each day for your own individual interests so that you don’t burn out.
  • You have very strong values and believe in living a life of integrity and authenticity. When/if your children depart from your values (particularly in the teen years) you can feel shattered. You often blame yourself, wonder what you did wrong, and waver between wanting to support them and lecture them. Remember that no parent is perfect. If any of us sat down and re-hashed all our parenting mistakes we’d all feel like failures. Forgive yourself for any failures and realize that rebellion is a normal part of certain phases in childhood. Reading a book about childhood development can help you to roll with the punches of parenting without plummeting into a black hole of self-criticism. I’d suggest The Whole-Brained Child or Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain.
  • Take time to commiserate and swap ideas with other parents. Set up Zoom meetings or send funny gifs to each other throughout your day to put a humorous spin on the trials of parenting. Find a way to connect and get solidarity.
  • Brainstorm a list of activities that your kids could do when they come to you with the “I’m bored” line. Write all these activities down on colorful pieces of paper and put them in a jar. Next time they say they’re bored have them pull an idea from the jar and commit to doing it. You could list things like reading a book, going for a bike ride, playing with play-dough, coloring in a coloring book, making a collage, calling a grandparent on Zoom, washing the car, dancing to music, exercise, etc,.

The ESTP Parent

Energetic and spontaneous, you can transform ordinary life into a fun-filled adventure. You have little patience for the mundane activities of parenting, but you’ll be more than happy to take your kids camping, on a kayaking trip, or teach them how to play basketball. Your matter-of-fact, capable demeanor instills confidence in your children and makes you a trusted source of advice and help. That said, you often feel trapped within the boundaries of parenthood. Rules, routines, and schedules tend to make you feel caged in. You also can get bored when most of your attention is focused on making other people happy and you can’t get enough time for your own interests.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ESTP Parent:

  • Find a way to balance your need for action with the needs of your children. Have heart-to-heart talks while hiking. Make up a backyard scavenger hunt for your children to do while you do something that interests you alongside them. Teach them a sport they want to learn.
  • Set up some childcare help so that you can have regular bouts of unstructured time to do your own thing. Call up a parent, friend, or babysitter, or swap babysitting “turns” with your spouse so that each of you can have a chance to decompress.
  • Don’t compare yourself to other parents. You are a somewhat rare personality type and may feel that you’re never quite “grown-up” enough to be a parent. You don’t like creating to-do lists, doing laundry, or “torturing” your children by combing their hair or making them do their homework. Recognize your strengths and try to laugh at the absurdity and chaos of parenting life.

The ISFP Parent

You are gentle and creative in your parenting style, and it shows. Your children know they can trust you to lead by example rather than barking out orders. They know that you’ll listen to them fully rather than dismissing their concerns as “childish.” You guide with gentle integrity and empathy, being open to the ever-shifting interests of your child’s heart. That said, summer breaks can leave you frazzled because you rarely get the alone time you desperately crave. You can start to feel trapped and crave a sense of freedom that seems permanently out of reach.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ISFP Parent:

  • Give yourself a break from the never-ending needs of your children. Get up a little earlier in the morning to enjoy the quiet, or find some help from a family member, friend, or babysitter so you can get some breathing room. Use this time to focus on yourself. Read books, listen to music, take a walk alone, or take a much-needed nap if need be. Find a way to reconnect with yourself and your own interests on a regular basis.
  • You empathize deeply with your children. This can mean that their struggles affect you in powerful ways. Give yourself permission to not feel responsible for every bit of pain they experience. Realize that everything from toddler meltdowns to teenage rebellion are normal and don’t signify that you’ve done a bad job as a parent. Don’t track down every mistake you’ve made and convince yourself that you’ve failed. Learn to forgive yourself for mistakes (and ask your children for forgiveness if you’ve messed up). Realize every single parent makes mistakes and every single child experiences pain and grows and becomes stronger because of it. Your steady support will encourage your children. Your loyalty will instill strength in them. But don’t feel like you’re responsible for every emotional struggle, and don’t beat yourself up for too long over every mistake.
  • Find ways to make mundane chores more bearable. Create playlists for different activities like cleaning or doing laundry. Make a game of different household activities (“Bet you can’t put all the toys in the toybox before this song is done!”) and reward yourself (and your kids) for a job well done.
  • Find ways to experience freedom, even if it’s in small spurts. Go for a drive to a park or town you’ve never visited before. Look at art museums online. Try out 10 new songs to find something you like. Read a fantasy book that really makes you feel like you’re in another land. Spend time in nature.

The ISTP Parent

Independent and resourceful, you’re a parent who instills confidence and cleverness in your children. You enjoy teaching your children hands-on skills and encouraging them to solve problems independently. You’re also good at honoring your child’s individuality and not forcing them to subscribe to a particular role because it’s socially expected. Your children know they can count on you for practical advice, loyalty, and hands-on help in a crisis. That said, you often struggle with the emotional intensity of children. Dealing with meltdowns and sensitivities can leave you feeling exhausted. You also get drained if you don’t get much time to yourself.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ISTP Parent:

  • Find a way to connect with your children’s feelings that works for you. Keep a parent-child journal that you can write to each other in. Flash an “I love you” sign language sign when you pass your child in the house. Before you say good night to them ask them how they are doing and if there’s anything they’d like to talk about. Teach them a special word or sign to say if they need emotional help or a chance to talk things out. This could be something simple like hanging a baseball cap on their door or saying a phrase like “I really want a bowl of cereal.”
  • Make sure you’re prioritizing some time alone each day to pursue your own interests. Enforce quiet time in your house each day, a time where children can play independently or listen to audiobooks. Get up an hour earlier than your children do so that you can enjoy some peace and quiet early in the morning. Ask friends or babysitters for help so you can have some unstructured time all to yourself.
  • Delegate chores once your children are old enough so that you don’t feel burned out by the mundanity of parenting. You can find an age-appropriate chore list here.
  • Find ways to experience a bit of freedom. This could mean hiking with your children, playing a video game with an exciting fantasy theme, reading a book, or going for a drive and listening to your favorite songs. Without spurts of freedom, you can feel overwhelmed by the pressures of parenting.

The ESFJ Parent

Generous and practical, you’re someone who takes on the nurturing role of parenting with enthusiasm and precision. You enjoy creating a comfortable routine for your family and helping your children sort through the social and emotional issues involved in growing up. That said, you can struggle with the inevitable family disharmony that occurs sooner or later. You also have enormously high standards for yourself and can feel defeated when you fail even in the smallest aspect of your role. You can also feel an enormous pressure to have children that perform well, in hopes that they will have a more successful future.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ESFJ Parent:

  • Remember that your children learn from who you are, not from what you tell them they should be. If you’re helping with homework with a pinched, frustrated expression on their face, they’ll feel like they’ve disappointed you and their self-esteem can plummet. Let go of expectations and try to focus on the fact that we are all unique, flawed individuals. You’re not always going to have a perfectly calm, composed presence (no parent does), but don’t beat yourself up if you’re children don’t measure up to your image of success. Their path towards success might be different!
  • Forgive yourself for mistakes. Talk to other parents so that you know you’re not alone in your struggles. Every parent gets mad sometimes, every parent is messy sometimes, every parent has nights where they lie in bed and think about all the ways they might be screwing their children up. You’re not alone. The fact that you care about this shows that you love your children and want what’s best for them.
  • At the end of the day take a few minutes to think about what built a connection with your children and what caused problems. What can you learn from those things? Are there any ways to add more connection-building moments the next day? Was there anything you did that caused life to run smoother (going to bed earlier the day before, de-cluttering some toys, or having a freezer meal on hand?)
  • Create a boredom jar so that you don’t have to keep dealing with the “I’m bored” statement on a daily basis.

The ESTJ Parent

Organized and loyal, you’re the kind of parent who gives your children consistency and structure. Many children feel safe in an environment with you for a parent because they know what to expect and they know they can count on you to be dependable. Even so, life as a parent isn’t without its roadblocks. You often struggle with the emotional outbursts and hypersensitivities of children, and you also can feel irritated by the natural disruptions that coincide with parenting.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ESTJ Parent:

  • Realize that emotional outbursts and sensitivities are a normal part of childhood and even adolescence. It doesn’t make you a “bad parent” if your child is having a meltdown. Also, realize that you’re naturally going to feel irritable and flustered when your children have tantrums. Every parent does. Find a way to cope with this. Practice deep breathing while you stay present with them. In toddler-hood, you don’t need to “fix” all their tantrums for them. They just need to vent and they don’t have words to express themselves yet (or their mind is in fight-or-flight mode). Being present and supportive is often the best that you can do. Afterward, see if you can give yourself a few minutes of quiet to decompress.
  • Realize that even the best-made plans fall apart with children on certain days. It can be hard to just go with the flow, but try to make peace with that. Give yourself something to help you get through. For example, if you’ve just finished cleaning up the bedroom only to have your child dump legos all over the floor, turn on one of their favorite songs and challenge them to get all the legos back in the box before the song is up. If you’re running past bedtime and feeling frazzled, try to remember that in the big picture some of these meaningful moments that happen late at night are valuable. Remind yourself that you will get your time back again, but your child will never be this age again.
  • Get alone time. Ask a friend, family member, or babysitter for help so that you can have scheduled time to yourself throughout the week. This is crucial for your well-being and will give you a chance to work on some of your own specialized interests.
  • Vent! Have a trusted friend or counselor to go to when life seems out of control. Having friendships with other parents can help you to feel less alone in your struggles and less “weird” when you’re having an off day.

The ISFJ Parent

Kind-hearted and detail-oriented, you’re a parent who wants to create a haven for your children. You want the home to be a respite from the chaotic world outside and you want your presence to fill your children with comfort and peace. Even so, during the summer months, you can feel over-stimulated by all the noise and commotion. You can also get overwhelmed by trying to meet all of your children’s needs (even the insignificant ones).

Some tips for your survival and well being as an ISFJ Parent:

  • Because you need total quiet to really relax most of the time, it’s vital that you find a way to schedule quiet time into your day. Set an hour during the day for mandatory quiet time for your children. Have them to go their rooms, listen to an audiobook (or read a book), or give them arts and crafts supplies to keep them occupied. It may take some training for younger children to get used to this, but it is worth the effort. That hour can really revive your strength. You could also get up an hour early in the morning to refresh yourself before the children wake up. Babysitting and help from family or friends is also ideal!
  • Take quiet walks with your children during the day. This time in nature can help to restore your soul and it can also open the door for intimate conversations that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. You can use the opportunity to look for different animals, plants, or insects as well.
  • Find one or two trusted friends that you can confide in when life gets hard. This solidarity and companionship can give you the joy to push through the tough times. You can also swap ideas to keep kids occupied.
  • Cut yourself some slack. You tend to be hyper-focused on making each detail right in your parenting. From perfectly braided hairstyles to a neatly organized kitchen, you can get so wrapped up in the details of parenting that you miss out on the things that really matter to you. Realize that you’ll remember the beautiful moments more than the messy house at the end of your life. Also, remember that you can clean after the kids are in bed and jam out to music on your headphones while you do it (this is what I do anyway)
  • Organize daily chores for each of your children so that they learn responsibility and you’re not overwhelming yourself trying to keep up with everything alone.

The ISTJ Parent

As an ISTJ, you want to give your children a consistent, reliable schedule and a sense of order in the home. You take care of the small details that give your child a sense of continuity and comfort. At the same time, you often find yourself lost in the details and overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks involved in parenting. You also get flustered by the noise and interruptions that plague you every day.

Some tips for your survival and well-being as an ISTJ Parent:

  • Make sure you schedule in some uninterrupted quiet time each day for yourself. Work it out with your spouse so you’re both on the same page. Sometimes this can be achieved through swapping alone time with your partner. It can also be achieved by scheduling quiet time for your children each day, setting up “audiobook” time, and setting them at the table with paper, crayons, and markers while they listen. You could also hire a babysitter or ask a family member to help so you could get some alone time to yourself.
  • Plan unstructured times throughout the day so that you’re prepared for the disorganization that comes with it. Block off a room in the house, start some music, and let your kids play with toys, dance, pretend, or be silly to their heart’s content. Or send your kids to the back yard to make mud pies, play with sidewalk chalk, or climb trees.
  • Don’t get so caught up in the details of parenting that you lose sight of what really matters to you. Leaving the dishes unwashed so that you can connect with your child can be a really positive thing – but it can also be negative if you wind up losing your temper later because of the mess. Delegate chores, prioritize what’s important to you as a family, and don’t beat yourself up if the house isn’t spotless.

Want to know more?

I’ve created an entire course about parenting based on your family’s personality system. This course will teach you how to find out your child’s personality type, how to understand their thought processes better, how to help with homework more effectively, and (most importantly) how to thrive as a parent. You can find out more about that here. You can also watch my webinar about parenting by personality below:

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you have any insights or suggestions to share? Let us know in the comments! Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

The summer can be a beautiful and overwhelming time for many parents, and there are some unique struggles that each personality type faces when dealing with children. This article is packed with tips for managing the summer craze without losing your mind! #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #ENFP


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