The communication style of each of the nine Enneagram types. The image shows the Enneagram symbol as well as people talking. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Communication Styles of Each Enneagram Type

Ping! New email. Text. Emoji wall. Hand gestures. Microexpressions. We communicate face-to-face, through pixels over the Web, and over the phone. Communication itself is repeatedly deemed as one of the most important skills of the 21st-century digital age, along with emotional intelligence. The Enneagram can help you have better conversations with others, in-person and through…

An in-depth look at the Enneagram 3 Perfectionist. #Enneagram #Personality

The Enneagram Type 3 – The Achiever

The Achiever (Enneagram Type Three) is an energetic, goal-oriented “Type A” personality with a lifelong dream to continuously improve on every aspect of their life. Threes are energized by new plans, activities, and meetings to get things done and make things happen. Most at ease in the spotlight, they actively search for opportunities to push…

An in-depth look at the Enneagram 1 Personality Type. #Enneagram #Personality

The Enneagram Type 1 – The Perfectionist

The Perfectionist (Enneagram 1) is a tireless advocate for fairness and justice. Ones envision a better future which benefits and betters everyone, as they believe their overarching mission is to provoke change in the world. Extremely driven by an inner idealism and a sense of what’s possible, Ones prefer to break free from others’ expectations…

An in-depth look at the Enneagram 2 Helper type

The Enneagram Type 2 – The Helper

Enneagram Type 2s—affectionately known as “The Helpers”—are the people who will drop everything to be there for you, even if they’re running on two hours of sleep and a half-eaten granola bar. They are the human embodiment of “Do you need anything?” and will happily (or sometimes not-so-happily) rearrange their entire day just to make…

Get an in-depth look at the unique struggles and strengths of the #enneatype nine. #Enneagram #nine

Enneagram Type 9 – The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker (Enneagram Type Nine) is a relaxed and easygoing master of chill who finds purpose in maintaining a mind-body balance. Nines are gentle giants—wise beyond their years—influencing others through genuine kindness. As a result, they can mesh well with almost any group or individual, making them fantastic collaborators. With high interpersonal intelligence, Nines are…