What's the difference between Ne or Ni? Find out in today's in-depth article! #INFJ #INFP
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Ni vs. Ne: What Are They and Which Do You Use?

Ne vs. Ni: Which cognitive function do you use? This is one of the questions I get every day as an MBTI® practitioner! Intuition is one of the hardest functions to explain in words; some people describe it as a “sixth sense”. Unlike sensing, which is focused on the concrete and physical world that we…

Find out why INFJs and INTJs are easily overstimulated. #INFJ #INTJ #MBTI
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Why INFJs and INTJs Get Overstimulated

One thing I struggle with regularly, especially as an INTJ mother, is the tendency to get overstimulated. We INFJs and INTJs live so completely in our heads that outside stimuli, if not pleasant, can be incredibly stressful. Unlike sensors, who are more focused on the world around them, INXJs are often focused internally. Their minds’…

Not sure whether you have an S or N preference in MBTI®? Discover the real differences between sensors and intuitives! #MBTI #Personality
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Are you a Sensor or an Intuitive? How to Find Out

One thing I’ve noticed over the years of studying Myers-Briggs® personality theory is that a lot of sensors are getting mistyped as intuitives. This is kind of sad because knowing about personality type really can’t help you if you’re looking at the wrong information. Tests ask questions like “Do you focus on all the details…

Discover the type of Feeling that you really use the most. Fe vs Fi - What's the difference? Extraverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Feeling (Fi). #INFJ #INFP #MBTI
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The Difference Between Extraverted and Introverted Feeling (Fe vs Fi)

Have you ever wondered what Fe and Fi really mean? Do you find yourself torn between whether you’re an FJ or an FP personality type? Today we’re going to clear up the Fe vs Fi debate with some clear examples of how these two cognitive functions show up. And for beginners who don’t really know…

Discover what each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types looks like when they're in various stages of stress, and find ways to help out. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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How Each Myers-Briggs® Type Reacts to Stress (and How to Help!)

Do you ever wonder what makes each Myers-Briggs® type stressed? Have you ever become so overwhelmed that you feel out of control? Do you feel like you’re acting in a way that is completely unlike you? Have you ever tried to help a loved one who is stressed out, and everything you’ve said or done…