INTJs and ESTJs mistype as each other regularly. Find out what really sets these two types apart and find out which one fits you best. #INTJ #ESTJ #MBTI #Personality
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INTJ vs ESTJ – Your Super-Simple Guide

Are you an ESTJ or an INTJ? While these types may seem vastly different at first, they actually mistype as each other very frequently. This is especially true when it comes to ESTJs mistyping as INTJs. This quick and easy guide will help you to understand which type best fits you. But before you begin…

Not sure if you're an INFP or INFJ? Here is an extremely easy guide to telling the difference between the two. #INFP #INFJ #MBTI #Personality
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INFJ vs INFP – Your Super-Simple Guide

Are you sick of reading INFJ or INFP articles and feeling just as lost as ever? I’ve written articles comparing the two types, gone onto long discourses about the cognitive functions, and so on. But I think the answer lies in simplicity. Today let me break down the differences as quickly and simplistically as possible….

Get an in-depth look at the strengths and struggles of the Enneagram 4 child. #Enneagram #personality
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The Enneagram Four Child

Called “The Individualist”, the Enneagram 4 child is known for rich, vivid emotions and an ability to connect with the human experience. Fours face the darker sides of life, not shying away from emotions and thoughts that others suppress.  They bring sensitivity, intuition, and self-awareness to the world and can be profoundly creative and original….