Get an in-depth look at the unique struggles of the Enneagram Five personality type. #Enneagram #Personality #Five

7 Struggles of the Enneagram Five Personality Type

Searchers and skeptics, Fives have a restless need to understand the world around them. These types have a hunger for mastery – an itch to develop a skill in an area that others haven’t already explored.  By differentiating themselves and testing out their knowledge in the real world they hope to develop confidence and a…

Discover the Netflix movie you should watch this month, based on your Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP
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Here’s the Netflix Movie You Should Watch, Based On Your Personality Type

With all of us stuck at home for the time being, what are some ways you can liven up your evenings? Rather than scrolling through Netflix without direction, check out these recommendations based on your Myers-Briggs® personality type! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take…

Get an in-depth look at the unique struggles of the Enneagram Four personality type. #Enneatype #enneagram #four

7 Struggles of the Enneagram Four Personality Type

When you’re blessed with originality and imagination but cursed with feeling different or misunderstood, you might be dealing with enneagram 4 struggles! The creative individualists of the Enneagram, Fours bring depth and authenticity into the world. While other types are consumed by their ego identity, Fours are the type most courageous in facing their darker…

Not sure if your crush likes you? Get some hints based on their Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP
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How to Tell if Someone Likes You, Based On Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Ever wondered what each personality type does when they like someone? Today let’s explore the tactics and strategies that each personality type uses when they have a crush on someone! Keep in mind, each individual is totally unique and this will only touch on the most common responses from the types (your experience might be…