Discover the Achilles Heel (weakness) of each Myers-Briggs personality type.
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The Achilles’ Heel of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Everyone has that one glaring weak spot—their Achilles’ heel—that trips them up just when they think they’ve got life figured out. It’s like that moment when you confidently walk into a glass door because you thought it was open (don’t worry, I’ve been there). Personality types are no different. Each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® types…

Find out how Enneagram 3s handle stress (and what they should do instead). Discover what they tend to disintegrate to (9) and how to integrate 6 instead.
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The Enneagram 3 and Stress: Finding Balance and Meaning Beyond Success

Let’s talk about being a Three. You’re the achiever, the doer, the one who gets things done and makes it look effortless. But let’s be real—underneath all that drive, there’s a weight that comes with always needing to prove yourself. It’s exhausting to feel like there’s always another rung on the ladder to reach for;…

An in-depth guide to the Enneagram types when they're unhealthy.
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The Unhealthy Versions of Every Enneagram Type

What are the unhealthy Enneagram types like? Two different people with the same Enneagram type can look completely different if one is operating from a level of health and maturity and the other is unhealthy and immature. Take a Two, for example. A healthy Two is selfless, generous, and deeply empathetic. They give without concern…

The most anticipated shows of 2025, chosen for each of the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types.
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The Best 2025 TV Shows to Stream for Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Ever feel like you’re endlessly scrolling through streaming options, hoping something will just jump out at you? It’s frustrating, right? There’s so much out there, and yet nothing seems to fit quite right (I know, first world problems). I personally detest scrolling through Netflix. While I have plenty of friends who will just try anything,…

Discover the leadership strengths and weaknesses of each Enneagram type.
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The Leadership Style of Every Enneagram Type

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain reportedly said that years ago and it has been proven true, again and again. Don’t believe it? Here is a short list of “facts” that turned out to be totally false. People…