Get an in-depth look at how the #INFP and #ENFP personality types think and process information. #Personality #MBTI
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An In-Depth Guide to How INFPs and ENFPs Think

Did you know that each personality type has a unique way of thinking, making decisions, and absorbing information? While every individual is unique, there are patterns in information-processing that span across people of the same (or similar) types. Today we’re going to look at the INFP and ENFP personality types. How do they process information?…

Find out how to encourage each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #Personality
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Here’s How You Want to Be Encouraged, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire! The ENFP When ENFPs are feeling down they tend to lose their typical enthusiastic, possibility-seeking nature. They can develop a sort of “tunnel vision,” feeling that the future holds no hope and all their ideas will inevitably fail unless they get one goal…

Find out what makes each #enneagram type REALLY blow up. #Enneatype #Personality #typology
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Here’s What Infuriates You, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever wondered why certain people get angry about things that don’t bother you at all? Do you ever feel like your own pet peeves are laughed at or misunderstood? According to the enneagram, all of us have unique fears, desires, and struggles that relate to our childhood and messages that we didn’t receive…

Discover 7 ways that INFPs make a difference in the world #INFP
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7 Ways That INFPs Make an Impact

INFPs are the quintessential “Idealists” of the Myers-Briggs® type community. Imaginative, individualistic, and creative, these types have a gift for understanding human nature and inspiring others with possibilities. INFPs strive towards success, but their version of success may look a little different for them than for other types. They care less about material gain or…