Dog Breed MBTI
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Here’s Which Dog Breed You Are, Based On Your Personality Type

After studying mental illness and personality disorders for the last few weeks, I was in the mood for something more lighthearted. I’ve made fun of the ‘what type of dog are you?’ tests before, but I still felt the urge to explore this theme. Part of the reason I felt a desire to explore dogs and…

MBTI and Mental Illness
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Myers Briggs and Mental Illness Part 3 – The Artisans

Is there a link between certain Myers Briggs types and mental illness? This question gets asked a lot, and I wanted to find some answers. For months I’ve been researching any information I could find to see if there’s a correlation between type and mental distress. I used to have a long post detailing all…

Myers-Briggs® and Mental Illness – The NT Types
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Myers-Briggs® and Mental Illness – The NT Types

Do you think there’s a link between MBTI® types and certain mental illnesses? I’ve seen this question come up often in various personality type communities. For months I’ve been researching any information I could find to see if there’s a correlation between type and mental distress. I used to have a long post detailing all…