New Infographic! What Really Happens When an ENTJ is Stressed
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New Infographic! What Really Happens When an ENTJ is Stressed

Have you ever wanted to know what happens to you when you experiencing mild or extreme stress? This infographic gives you a visual representation of how your cognitive functions; Thinking, Intuition, Sensing, and Feeling, all respond to stress. If you want to know more about how you respond to stress and what triggers stress for…

10 Things That Terrify ENFPs – According to 304 ENFPS
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10 Things That Terrify ENFPs – According to 304 ENFPS

Do you ever feel alone in your fears or worries? Have you ever felt that your fears isolate you from other people? I’ve wondered for a long time whether fears are in any way related to personality type; or which fears are more prevalent among different types. I decided to research fear months ago, and…

ENFJ Stress Infographic
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How ENFJs React to Stress Infographic

I’ve talked a lot about stress on this blog and how each personality type reacts, but sometimes words aren’t enough! I decided to put together infographics to show what really happens internally when we experience stress. This infographic is for the ENFJs, but I will be posting infographics for each of the personality types over…

ISTJ Fears
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10 Things That Terrify ISTJs – According to 300 ISTJs

Do you ever wonder if other people fear the same things that you do? Perhaps you’re one of those lucky people who doesn’t fear anything and wonders why other people fear things. For a long time I’ve wondered if fears are tied in any way to personality type. I decided to research fear months ago, and…

INFJ Fears
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10 Things That Terrify INFJs – According to 352 INFJs

Have you ever wondered if what frightens you is unusual or weird? Do you feel alone in your fears or worries? Many of us do, including me. I’ve wondered for a long time if personality type has anything to do with the kinds of fears we face as humans. Do different personality types fear different…