The INFJ INFP relationship: How compatible are they? Find out ways to make this unique relationship work
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The INFJ and INFP Relationship: An In-Depth Guide

What happens when INFJs and INFPs fall in love? Do two of the most intense and idealistic personality types in the Myers-Briggs® system make a good match? These two personality types often have loving and devoted relationships. At the same time, there can be some major roadblocks that they face if they’re unwilling to accept…

INFJ and ISTJ relationship compatibility
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An In-Depth Look at The INFJ and ISTJ Relationship

The INFJ and ISTJ relationship is one that is relatively rare, but I’ve had several requests for an article about this pairing so I thought I’d make an effort to write something helpful about it! When it comes to type and relationships, literally any pairing can be successful…or a trainwreck depending on how open-minded and…

Get an in-depth look at Cillian Murphy's Myers-Briggs and Enneagram personality types!
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What is Cillian Murphy’s Myers-Briggs® and Enneagram Type?

Cillian Murphy isn’t your typical Hollywood actor. He’s known for his quiet intensity and enigmatic presence both on and off the screen. When you dive into his interviews and the roles he takes on, it’s clear that there’s a lot more beneath the surface. Through the lenses of the Myers-Briggs® and Enneagram systems, we can…

The ISTP Ti-Ni loop: What it is and how to deal
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The ISTP Ti-Ni Loop: What it is and How to Cope

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a mental fog,  feeling anxious about a conclusion or possibility that seems looming in the distance? Or perhaps you feel like your relationships are in jeopardy; people are getting offended and you don’t know why, or you’re losing touch with your normal grounded connection to nature and reality. This…

Enneagram 2 vs 9: Which one are you? Find out in our article
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Enneagram 2 vs Enneagram 9: Which Are You?

When it comes to Enneagram types, people can sometimes feel torn between two types that seem similar on the surface but have very different core motivations. I got a comment this week from a reader trying to decide whether she was more 2 or 9. This is a common question and one that I’ve gotten…