Get an in-depth look at religion and how the MBTI types feel about God, a higher power, or religion itself.

Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type and Religion: Do Some Personality Types Struggle More to Believe in God?

I grew up in a world where questioning God felt about as natural as questioning whether water was wet. Faith was the default setting—like breathing, but with more hymnals and potlucks. My family followed Calvinism, a branch of Christianity that said a lot of things, one of which was that God already decided who gets…

Get an in depth look at ISFJ intelligence. Are ISFJs smart? Find out!
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Are ISFJs Smart? A Look at The Protector’s Intelligence

ISFJs get underestimated a lot. Maybe it’s because they’re not out here giving TED Talks on the meaning of existence or casually flexing their IQ scores in debates no one asked for. But let’s get one thing straight—just because someone is quiet, calm, and reserved doesn’t mean they’re not ridiculously smart. People see the warmth,…

An in-depth guide to the compatibility of the ISTJ ENFP relationship
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The ENFP and ISTJ Relationship: When Opposites Attract

In my years as an MBTI® practitioner, I’ve found again and again that people are romantically attracted to their opposites. If I had a nickel for every time I saw an ENFP/ISTJ relationship, or ESTP/INFJ relationship, or INTP/ESFJ relationship, I’d have….a lot of nickels. Why is this? I’ve concluded that it comes down to us…

ISTJ vs ISFJ: Which one are you? Find out in this easy but in-depth guide to the differences between these two types.
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ISTJ vs ISFJ: Which One Are You?

Ever feel like you’re constantly torn between being the reliable rock everyone depends on and the efficient machine that gets things done? Welcome to the ISFJ vs. ISTJ dilemma—the personality showdown between the nurturing guardian and the pragmatic enforcer. Which One Are You? If an ISFJ and an ISTJ were stranded on a deserted island,…

Are you an INTJ or an ENTJ? Find out in this quick but in-depth breakdown of the two Myers-Briggs personality types.
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INTJ vs ENTJ: What’s the Difference?

Are you trying to find out your personality type but you feel torn between INTJ and ENTJ? While some people think the differences between these two types should be obvious, it can actually be hard to tell the differences. Today we’re going to simplify the whole process to make it easy for you to discern…