Discover 10 things that Enneagram Nines absolutely need to be happy in a relationship. #Enneagram #Personality #enneagram9

10 Things Enneagram Type Nines Need in Relationships

As the peacemakers of the Enneagram, Nines have a calm and nurturing quality that draws people in. Open-minded and accepting, they crave a world of harmony and peace. In order to have inner peace, they often seek outer tranquility. This can be an amazing quality; it can make them skilled at conflict resolution, providing emotional…

Discover the most to least sentimental Myers-Briggs personality type in this ranked post. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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The Most to Least Sentimental Myers-Briggs® Personality Types, Ranked

I’ve always considered myself a fairly sentimental person; I love looking at old photos of my kids when they were babies, I enjoy replaying good memories in my mind, and I certainly wouldn’t throw away an old love letter from my husband. But compared to some types I am practically a cold robot. I mean,…

Discover how the INFJ personality type can vary based on someone's Enneagram type. #MBTI #Enneagram #INFJ
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The INFJ and the 9 Enneagram Types

Today we’re going to take a look at the INFJ through the eyes of the enneagram system. Up until now, we’ve looked at the INFJ personality type through the lens of the Myers-Briggs system. The MBTI® explains how your mind works and processes information. For example, as an INFJ you process abstract information over concrete…

Discover Taylor Swift's Enneagram type and quotes associated with each of the Nine Enneagram types
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The Taylor Swift Quote You’ll Relate To, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Taylor Swift is not just a global music phenomenon but also a remarkably perceptive lyricist and speaker whose words often reflect a deep understanding of human emotions and motivations. I’ve been asked at least 20 times to write an article about Taylor Swift’s Enneagram type, but it has always seemed like such a daunting challenge…

Discover the Socrates quote that best resonate with your Myers-Briggs personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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The Socrates Quote That You’ll Relate To, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

I often find myself scouring the internet for quotes to inspire me, set me on the right track, or write on a post-it note to remind myself of my focus at the beginning of the day. Quotes can catalyze your day and make you focus on what’s really meaningful or important to you. Socrates, the…