Find out what makes each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types really cringe. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP
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What You Roll Your Eyes At, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

The ENFP – People Who Can’t See Beyond the Past You despise it when people hold your past mistakes against you (or the past mistakes of others against them). You know that life is always evolving and that people are constantly changing; the past is one drop in an ocean of other experiences and growth…

Amp up the joy in your summer with this bucket list of 50 must-do summer activities specifically for the introvert! #Introvert #summer #bucketlist
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The Introvert’s Ultimate Summer Bucket List

Summer is just around the corner, and with it are the invitations to barbecues, the intensity of summer concerts, or trips to bustling theme parks with the kids. But what about the introvert? For many introverts, summer offers the hope of something more tranquil and reflective. Many of the typical summer bucket list activities can…

Get an in-depth look at the Sexual subtype of every Enneagram type. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Sexual Subtype of Every Enneagram Type

Have you ever been asked, “What’s your Enneagram subtype?” or “What’s your instinctual variant?” When it comes to the Enneagram, there is a lot of nuance to your type that you might be missing because you’re not familiar with your subtype! If you feel like none of the 9 Enneatypes fit you, it could be…