Get an in-depth look at your inferior function and how it might be tripping you up or hurting your relationships. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP
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The Inferior Function of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Is there a certain part of your life that feels nearly impossible to master? Do you feel like the same experiences trip you up again and again? Your Myers-Briggs® personality type might have something to do with that! Each of us is wired to perform well in certain areas but at the expense of other…

Discover the self-care practice that will powerfully improve your life, based on your #Enneagram type. #Personality #Enneatype
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The Self Care You Avoid (But Need) Based On Your Enneagram Type

Most of us strive to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be. But in our efforts to do that, we tend to fixate on only one direction of growth. Usually the direction we take leads us towards our core desire. Ones will try harder to be more perfect people. Two’s will…

Find out what each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types thinks is rude. #MBTI #Personality #INFP
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Here’s What You Find Rude, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type

Updated January 22, 2024 Do you ever find yourself thinking that someone is being super rude, but then realize no one else really seems all that bothered? If so, perhaps you’ve discovered something that your personality type considers rude but that other types tend to overlook, or at least judge less harshly. Of course, there…