Is there any scientific proof for the #MBTI? Find out! #Personality #Typology
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Is the MBTI® Scientific?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is an assessment that aims to sort people into one of 16 different personality types. The indicator is derived from the work of Swiss psychoanalyst C.G. Jung, who first wrote about psychological type in his groundbreaking 1921 work, Psychological Types. The MBTI® assessment is used by 80 percent of the Fortune…

Get an in-depth look inside the mind of the #ISTP, #ISFP, #ESTP or #ESFP #personality types. #MBTI
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Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an ISFP, ISTP, ESFP or ESTP

Are you someone who craves adventure and looks for new experiences and opportunities at every turn? Do you consider yourself realistic and pragmatic but also drawn towards excitement and novelty? If so you might be an Adventurer, or SP, personality type. People with a preference for sensing and perceiving like to stay open to new…

Get a deeper look at what goes on inside the mind of the #INFJ, #INTJ, #ENFJ or #ENTJ personality types! #MBTI
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Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an INFJ, INTJ, ENFJ or ENTJ

Have you ever wondered how other personality types REALLY think? Sure, we can read lots of descriptions about how to identify the types or what their strengths might be, but what is it like inside their head? That’s what today’s article is about! A few days ago we talked about the mind of the NP…

A deeper look inside the mind of the #INFP, #INTP, #ENFP and #ENTP #personality types
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Here’s What it’s Like to be Inside the Mind of an INFP, INTP, ENFP or ENTP

Have you ever wanted to get inside the head of one of your friends or family members? Have you been looking for ways to clarify your type or the type of someone you care about? This article is all about exploring the key characteristics of the four NP personality types. INTPs, INFPs, ENTPs and ENFPs…

Find out what you're like on a bad day, based on your #enneagram #personality type.
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Here’s What You’re Like on a Bad Day, Based on Your Enneagram Type

According to the Enneagram, each of us has a direction of disintegration or stress. We can recognize when we’re regressing in our development when we start to “disintegrate.” Disintegration usually happens when we’re acting out under stress, or we’ve pushed our natural type behaviors to the limit. In a period of disintegration we use coping…