Discover the core desires of each #enneagram type! #personality #enneatype

Here’s What You Desire, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever felt that you were ceaselessly searching for something that was always just out of reach? Does it ever seem like there’s an unconscious need pulling you in different directions? Thanks to the enneagram, many of us can discover what that core need or desire is. Oftentimes, this desire is so innate to…

Discover some surprising facts about each #personality type! #MBTI #Myersbriggs #Personalitytype #typology #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Eye-Opening Facts About Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

For as popular as the Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator is, very few people have done the work to actually crack open the MBTI® Manual itself. If they did, they’d find themselves thoroughly immersed in facts, validity studies, reliability reports, and hundreds of pages of information about how each personality type excels differently in education, careers, marriage,…

Discover the unique intelligence of the #ISFJ, #ISTJ, #ESFJ and #ESTJ #personality types! #MBTI #Personalitytype #Myersbriggs
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The Unique Intelligence of the ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, and ESFJ Personality Types

As an MBTI® practitioner I’ve heard a lot of misconceptions about intelligence and type. Some people assume that intuitives are smarter than sensors or vice versa. Many people think thinking types are naturally smarter than feeling types as well. All of these ideas are inaccurate – the truth is there is no particular type that…

Discover the unique intelligence of the #INFJ, #INTJ, #ENFJ and #ENTJ #personality types! #Personalitytype #MBTI #Myersbriggs
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The Unique Intelligence of INFJs, INTJs, ENFJs and ENTJs

Today I’m super excited to explore the unique intelligence of the NJ personality types! This article is the third in our series about type and intelligence. We also have an article about the intelligence of NP personality types and the intelligence of SP personality types. Tomorrow we’ll be delving into the SJ personality types. Remember…

Discover the unique intelligence of #ESFPs, #ESTPs, #ISFPs and #ISTP #personality types! #MBTI #Myersbriggs #personalitytype
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The Unique Intelligence of ESFPs, ESTPs, ISFPs, and ISTPs

One of the questions I am constantly asked as a typologist is “Which type is the smartest?” My answer tends to be “All of them!” Each personality type is gifted with a unique way of learning and making decisions that is all their own.  An ENTP might be good at innovating and finding new connections…