How You Process Emotions Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Type
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How You Process Emotions Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Type

“I feel everything. I feel emotions that aren’t even mine. It’s exhausting” “I don’t do emotions. I do logic. Emotions are stupid.” “Nobody understands what I feel inside. Why can’t they appreciate my values?” As an MBTI® practitioner, I hear lines like these daily. Differences in emotional processing can create rifts in relationships and damaging…

Discover the classic movie character with your Myers-Briggs personality type
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Here’s the Classic Movie Character You’d Be Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered which iconic movie character is the most like you? Classic movies can be an entertaining way to see different personality types in their element. So next time you’ve got an unplanned evening, some good snacks, and Netflix (or Amazon), try to check out these unforgettable characters! Have any alternate suggestions? Let me…

Understanding ENTJ Thinking
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Understanding ENTJ Thinking

“There is no doubt that if you aim high enough, you will meet resistance. But no matter how tough the opposition may seem: Have courage and persevere.” – Madeleine Albright, an ENTJ ENTJs are known for their powerful insights, their determination, and their confidence. These natural-born leaders embody the swift-decisiveness and big-picture vision that many…