MBTI Parenting
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Myers-Briggs® and Parenting – The Struggles of Intuitive Feeling Parents

In the world of parenting, there are thousands of “how-to” articles written by numerous different parents. It can be overwhelming to read through mommy blogs, parenting books, and magazine articles and see the sheer number of differing viewpoints! Do I let my baby cry-it-out or do I rock them to sleep? Should I practice positive…

5 Ways to Annoy an ENFJ
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5 Ways To Annoy An ENFJ

ENFJs are one of the most inspiring, charismatic personality types you will find anywhere. Because they are so determined to bring out the full potential of others, psychologist David Keirsey called them The Teachers.  ENFJs are emotionally aware, understanding, enthusiastic, and insightful. Some of the most famous inspirational leaders of all-time, people like Martin Luther…

NF Villains
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INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, and ENFJ Villains

Every story needs a good villain – as much as we’d like to think that we’re rooting for the good guy in a movie, there are plenty of times when we have to secretly admire the bad guys’ intelligence, wit, and strategy. This isn’t to say we should all be bad guys, or admire evil people,…

How Do YOU Use Extraverted Feeling?
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How Do YOU Use Extraverted Feeling?

Extraverted feeling is often called the “harmonizing” function. That’s because it helps us to understand and empathize with the moods and emotions of others. People with strong extraverted feeling can often absorb others emotions and feel them as if they are their own. This makes strong Fe users very good listeners who often know how to…

Dog Breed MBTI
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Here’s Which Dog Breed You Are, Based On Your Personality Type

After studying mental illness and personality disorders for the last few weeks, I was in the mood for something more lighthearted. I’ve made fun of the ‘what type of dog are you?’ tests before, but I still felt the urge to explore this theme. Part of the reason I felt a desire to explore dogs and…