Discover the dark side of each of the nine Enneagram types. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Dark Side of Each Enneagram Type

Everyone has a dark side, right? We all have moments where we’re not at our best due to stress, exhaustion, or immaturity. But what happens when we’re at our absolute worst? Today that’s what we’re going to explore. Each of the nine Enneagram types can descend into unhealthy behavior when they are using unhealthy coping…

Get an in-depth look at the Enneagram types of Marvel's leading ladies. #enneagram #personality
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Here’s the Marvel Woman You’d Be, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Do you ever watch a movie and wonder, “What do I have in common with these characters?” In today’s article, we’re going to explore nine different iconic Marvel ladies and their unique Enneagram types. This can be a fun and lighthearted way to explore your own type and the strengths and weaknesses that make you…

Discover the important truth each Enneagram type needs to accept in 2023. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Truth You Need to Hear in 2023, Based On Your Enneagram Type

At the beginning of the year, we all have grand, vague ideas of the people we want to become. We tell ourselves that we’ll eat healthier, read more, “be a better person”. And when we fail to achieve these goals, we beat ourselves up and remain the people we were last year. But regardless of…

Discover the tiny but impactful habit that will help you live a fuller life, based on your Enneagram type. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Self-Care You Actually Need, Based On Your Enneagram Type

More than ever, the idea of self care is being reduced to a trend. When we think about the words “self care”, we think about aesthetically pleasing workout clothes, making smoothie bowls and journaling. We think of journaling and hot baths. We think of all the things we’re definitely going to do to help ourselves…

Discover the Viktor Frankl quote that could change your life, based on your Enneagram type. #Personality #Enneagram
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The Viktor Frankl Quote You Need to Hear, Based On Your Enneagram Type

If you’re like most people, you have days where you feel like you’re just going through the motions. You might be struggling at work, feeling disconnected from your partner, or doubtful about your future. In moments like these, it can be helpful to turn to the wisdom of others for guidance. For me personally, I…