Discover how each of the 9 Enneagram types gets misunderstood or misinterpreted. #Enneagram
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How We Misinterpret Each Enneagram Type

When we are first introduced to the Enneagram, we tend to read up on our own type and neglect learning about the others. We scour articles, listen to podcasts and watch videos to try to understand our type. However, this leads to us reducing other types to stereotypes, and that can be dangerous. For example,…

Discover the holiday movie character with your Enneagram type #Personality #Enneagram
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Here’s the Christmas Movie Character with Your Enneagram Type

With Christmas just around the corner, many of us are getting into the holiday spirit by watching a collection of Christmas movies. But have you ever found yourself wondering if any of the characters in these movies have your Enneagram type? Knowing the Enneatypes of the characters might make their stories that much more funny…

Find out how each Enneagram type tends to sabotage themselves in life
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Here’s How You’re Sabotaging Yourself, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘we are our own worst enemies’? Well, the Enneagram can show us exactly how we’re getting in our own way in life. The Enneagram is a personality typing system that categorizes people into nine distinct types based on their core motivations and fears. Each Enneagram type has unique ways…

Discover the feelings each Enneagram type is trying to avoid in this in-depth article. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Feelings You Run Away From, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Each of us has certain feelings or anxieties we try to avoid. One of the ways to get through life and be resilient is to focus on the positive, to stay present, and to avoid getting wrapped up in negativity. However, repressing certain sides of ourselves can have unintended negative consequences. In our effort to…

Find out how to make the most of your autumn, based on your Enneagram type #Enneagram #personality
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How to Maximize Autumn, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Look, I like autumn as much as the next person. Reading with a hot mug of apple cider is especially fun during this season, the pumpkin patches are finally open for weekend shenanigans, and I get school off for a week around Thanksgiving. I love it. But this year, fall is hitting different. Amidst the…