Enneagram Eight Child
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The Enneagram Eight Child

Labeled “The Challenger,” Enneatype 8 children are often recognized for their fiery tempers, impulsive behaviors, or defiance towards control and authority. But is that really all there is to an 8 child? Is bluster and fury the sum of all their parts? While there’s more to any individual than their Enneagram type, today we’re going…

Discover the compliments that mean the most to each #Enneagram type! #Personality
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The Acknowledgment You Crave, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Enneagram One – Acknowledgment of Integrity Because your core desire is to have integrity, compliments that acknowledge that mean the world to you. Being recognized for your dependability, fairness, responsibility, or honesty will affirm the moral code that you work daily to live by. But Remember: Nobody is perfect. You grow and flourish when you…

Wondering why you seem like a different person under stress? Find out why that happens in this article about your #Enneagram type. #Personality #stress
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Signs That You’re Disintegrating, Based On Your Enneagram Type

People often ask me if someone’s Enneagram type can change. The answer is more complicated than yes or no. The truth is, when you’re relaxed and moving towards growth, you take on some of the traits of another Enneagram type. When you’re under intense pressure or stress you “disintegrate.” The Enneagram Institute states that, “There…

Discover the self-care practice that will powerfully improve your life, based on your #Enneagram type. #Personality #Enneatype
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The Self Care You Avoid (But Need) Based On Your Enneagram Type

Most of us strive to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be. But in our efforts to do that, we tend to fixate on only one direction of growth. Usually the direction we take leads us towards our core desire. Ones will try harder to be more perfect people. Two’s will…

Find out which animal has your Enneagram type! #Enneagram #Enneatype #Personality
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Here’s the Animal You’d Be, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Ever wondered which creature from the animal kingdom has your Enneagram type? Today we’ll be exploring a wide variety of animals and how they symbolize various strengths or weaknesses of each Enneagram type. Unlike my Myers-Briggs® and animal post, this article will focus primarily on animal symbolism rather than actual animal habits. I’m doing this…