Explore the weaknesses and vices of each #enneagram type. #Enneatype
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Here’s Your Personal Vice, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Vices are deep-seated imperfections in our character and personality. They are often rooted in our attachment styles from childhood and tied into our development through each life stage of psycho-social development. During times of stress or emotional havoc, our personal vices can emerge without warning. And they’ll come around full-swing, surprising those close to you—and…

Find out what really motivates and inspires you, based on your #enneatype. #Enneagram #Personality
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Here’s What Really Motivates You, Based on Your Enneagram Type

As we’re living in one of the most purpose-driven eras ever, motivation is becoming a huge factor in the lifestyles we choose. The people we open up to. The risks we take. The emotions we feel. The mission statement we strive to discover and adopt as a core part of our identity. Each Enneatype has…

Explore the hidden strengths and talents of every #enneatype. #Enneagram #Personality #personalitytype
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The Hidden Talents of Every Enneagram Personality Type

Ever received a compliment that you were genuinely surprised by? Do you pick up on certain activities and skills with ease, and much faster than others? You’ve definitely got a slew of hidden talents hidden inside the depths of your Enneatype. They are the result of years of developing your unconscious desires and motivations. Hidden…

Discover your career needs and gifts based on your #enneagram type. #Enneatype #Personality
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Here are the Careers You’ll Love, Based on Your Enneagram Type

“So, what do you do for a living?”—Behold, one of the most commonly asked questions in conversation, since forever. We are all particularly interested in deriving purpose and meaning from our careers in the 21st century. Work has slowly transformed into an extension of our personalities. When the line between work and leisure blurs, you…

Discover the qualities you'll show when you're healthy, based on your #enneagram type. #enneatype #Personality
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Here’s What You’re Like On a Good Day, Based on Your Enneagram Type

According to the Enneagram, when you walk in the direction of growth, the process is known as integration. On a good day, you’ll borrow many positive traits from a strikingly different enneagram type (For example, an 8 might take on some traits of the 2). Integration usually happens when you’ve worked your way against the…