Get an in-depth look at the unique struggles of the Enneagram Five personality type. #Enneagram #Personality #Five

7 Struggles of the Enneagram Five Personality Type

Searchers and skeptics, Fives have a restless need to understand the world around them. These types have a hunger for mastery – an itch to develop a skill in an area that others haven’t already explored.  By differentiating themselves and testing out their knowledge in the real world they hope to develop confidence and a…

Get an in-depth look at how each #enneatype appears at their best and worst levels of health. #enneagram #one #two #four #five #six
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The Best and Worst Versions of Every Enneagram Type

In the enneagram system of typology, each of us has different levels of health. An unhealthy Six, for example, is typically suspicious, paranoid, and riddled with unreasonable anxieties. A healthy six is courageous, comforting, and healthily skeptical. What are the best and worst versions of your enneatype? Let’s take a look! Not sure what your…

Get an in-depth look at the enneagram five type. #Enneagram #five #enneatype

The Enneagram 5 Type – The Investigator

The Investigator (Enneagram 5 Type) is an independent and curious maverick on an intellectual mission to absorb as much knowledge as their active minds can acquire. Fives seek to understand, through reading and thinking, the laws and principles governing the world. They can wholeheartedly attest to Socrate’s famous saying, “An unexamined life is not worth…

An entertaining look at how each #enneatype shows up in high school. #Enneagram #Personality
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Here’s What You Were Like in High School, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Enter high school. You’ve got mountains of homework, cliques, extra-curriculars, teams, friends, foes, the magnificent lunch break, odd traditions, and everything in-between. For some, it was the prime time of their lives. For others, it was simply another chapter in their book; a stepping stone in their bigger career plan. Your experience may have resembled…

Explore the weaknesses and vices of each #enneagram type. #Enneatype
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Here’s Your Personal Vice, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Vices are deep-seated imperfections in our character and personality. They are often rooted in our attachment styles from childhood and tied into our development through each life stage of psycho-social development. During times of stress or emotional havoc, our personal vices can emerge without warning. And they’ll come around full-swing, surprising those close to you—and…