Feel like the #ENFP stereotypes don't suit you? Find out why you have distinct nuances in your personality based on your Myers-Briggs type and your Enneagram type. #Enneagram #Personality #MBTI
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Your ENFP Personality Type and Your Enneagram Type

Do you ever feel like the stereotypical descriptions of the ENFP type don’t apply to you? Do you feel like you relate to the cognitive function stack of the ENFP, but find some of the assumptions made confusing? While Myers-Briggs® can tell you how your mind works and how you’re mentally wired, the Enneagram can…

Find out which #Disney character matches your #enneagram type! #Personality
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The Enneagram Types of Your Favorite Disney Characters

Are you an Ariel, Snow White, or Aladdin? In today’s article we’re going to take a look at the enneagram types of some of the most popular Disney characters! Keep in mind, Disney movies only give us a small glimpse of someone’s character. These are our best guesses for their Enneagram types – but we’re…

Not sure what your child's enneagram type is? This article can help you to narrow it down! #enneagram #personality #enneatype
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What’s My Child’s Enneagram Type? Tips for Finding Out!

Can the Enneagram Be Used for Kids? Absolutely! When it comes to understanding your children, one of the best tools for doing this is the Enneagram. This in-depth system of typology helps you to determine your childhood wounds, core fears, core desires, and coping mechanisms. Today I’m going to help you identify your child’s type…

Get an in-depth look at what it's like to be an INFP Nine. #enneagram #MBTI #Personality #nine
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The INFP Enneagram Type Nine

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” – Dalai Lama Do you know you’re an INFP, but you feel like certain facets of your type description aren’t quite relatable? If you’re an INFP Nine, you may be more focused on…

Find out the root stressors of each #enneatype, and how to help someone who is stressed based on their enneatype. #Enneagram, #Personality
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How Every Enneagram Type Reacts to Stress, and How to Help

Have you ever become so stressed that you “flipped a switch” and acted like someone else? Maybe it felt like an out-of-body experience or you felt completely beyond your own control? Well, according to the enneagram system, there’s a reason for that! Each type has an area of disintegration (stress) that they veer into when…