Discover the most to least anxious Enneagram types based on a recent survey of 920 respondents
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The Most to Least Anxious Enneagram Types

Everyone experiences anxiety at one point or another; after all, it helps us survive in a world full of potential threats. But for some of us, anxiety is at the forefront of our lives, lurking at every corner. For others, it’s something they try to avoid through distraction or relationships. Which are you? How do…

Discover the unique ego boundaries of the body triad (Enneagram 8, 9, and 1)
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Building Walls: How Enneagram 8s, 9s, and 1s Protect Their World

If you’re an Enneagram 8, 9, or 1, you’re part of the body or instinct triad. This means you’re focused on either controlling your instincts, repressing them, or giving into them. As a body type, you use your physical energy to deal with the world and the challenges you face. One way you do this…

Enneagram 2 vs 9: Which one are you? Find out in our article
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Enneagram 2 vs Enneagram 9: Which Are You?

When it comes to Enneagram types, people can sometimes feel torn between two types that seem similar on the surface but have very different core motivations. I got a comment this week from a reader trying to decide whether she was more 2 or 9. This is a common question and one that I’ve gotten…

21 signs that you're an Enneagram 9 type
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21 Signs That You’re an Enneagram 9 “Peacemaker”

Being an Enneagram 9 is like being the human version of a cozy blanket—everyone feels better when you’re around. You thrive on keeping the peace, avoiding conflict like it’s a bad blind date, and making sure everyone else is comfortable, even if you’re secretly screaming on the inside (but let’s work on that). If you’re…

Find out what each of the nine Enneagram types looks like when they're being selfish.
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The Selfish Versions of Each Enneagram Type

Let’s face it – we all get selfish. No need to sugarcoat it. But depending on your Enneagram type, selfishness shows up in different flavors. Many times when we’re being selfish, we don’t even realize our motivations; instead, we’re moving on autopilot. Becoming aware of the signs that we’re being selfish can help us to…