Find out what makes the nine Enneagram types really lose their temper. #Enneagram #personality
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Personalities on Edge: What Makes Each Enneagram Type Lash Out

Have you ever lashed out unexpectedly at someone because something they said, did, or didn’t do made you just snap? Have you ever experienced this with someone else? Today we’re talking about those tricky sparks that light a metaphorical blaze of fury you didn’t see coming. We’re going to look at the things that make…

Discover 10 things that Enneagram Nines absolutely need to be happy in a relationship. #Enneagram #Personality #enneagram9

10 Things Enneagram Type Nines Need in Relationships

As the peacemakers of the Enneagram, Nines have a calm and nurturing quality that draws people in. Open-minded and accepting, they crave a world of harmony and peace. In order to have inner peace, they often seek outer tranquility. This can be an amazing quality; it can make them skilled at conflict resolution, providing emotional…

Discover Taylor Swift's Enneagram type and quotes associated with each of the Nine Enneagram types
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The Taylor Swift Quote You’ll Relate To, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Taylor Swift is not just a global music phenomenon but also a remarkably perceptive lyricist and speaker whose words often reflect a deep understanding of human emotions and motivations. I’ve been asked at least 20 times to write an article about Taylor Swift’s Enneagram type, but it has always seemed like such a daunting challenge…

Find out the turn offs of each of the Enneagram personality types. #Enneagram #Personality
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The Biggest Relationship Turn-Offs of Every Enneagram Type

I was at a homeschool mom’s meetup recently (yes, I’m a homeschool mom), and I was listening to a lot of the fellow mothers talk about their past relationships and the things that were red flags to them, or simply annoyances. Over time, I started to see themes emerge specific to each mother’s Enneagram type….

Get an in-depth look at what the Enneagram types do when they're overwhelmed, and what they should do instead (integration). #Enneagram #Personality
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What You Need When You’re Overwhelmed, Based On Your Enneagram Type

What do you do when you feel like the walls are closing in on you and you can barely breathe because you’re so stressed? If you’re like me, your natural tendency is to revert to things that aren’t necessarily going to help you in the long run; maybe stress eating or overworking. Each of us…