Rare and beautiful words that describe each of the nine Enneagram types.
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The 9 Enneagram Types as Rare, Beautiful Words

There’s something magical about the right word. The kind of word that feels like it was handcrafted by some ancient language artisan just for a specific meaning, a specific atmosphere. And when it comes to personality, some words just click with certain Enneagram types. So, I’ve chosen a rare and beautiful (in my opinion) word…

Discover the types most compatible with the Enneagram 6 and find out their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to relationships.

The Enneagram 6 Relationship and Compatibility Guide

Enneagram 6 relationships. Which are the most compatible? Which are the most destructive? Today let’s dive into all the details. Sixes, also known as The Loyalists, are the ride-or-die friends of the Enneagram. They’re the ones who will back you up in a bar fight (after extensively analyzing the risks), text you to make sure…

Discover the country that would best suit each of the nine Enneagram types.
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Here’s the Country You’d Be, Based On Your Enneagram Type

If the Enneagram types were countries, where would you belong? Imagine stepping off a plane and instantly feeling like the entire place just gets you—the values, the vibe, even the way people greet each other. Would you find yourself in the hyper-disciplined efficiency of Japan? The warm, open arms of Senegal? The brooding, poetic solitude…

Discover the Hogwarts House you'd be in, based on your Enneagram type.
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Here’s the Hogwarts House You’d Be In, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever wondered where the Sorting Hat would place your Enneagram type at Hogwarts? Would your fierce courage land you in Gryffindor, or would your quest for knowledge make you a perfect fit for Ravenclaw? Let’s dive into the magic of Hogwarts and see where each Enneagram type might call home! Keep in mind…

Discover the Enneagram types of your favorite movie stars or celebrities.
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The Enneagram Types of Your Favorite Movie Stars

Have you ever wondered which famous celebrities might have your Enneagram type? One of the great things about typing celebrities or fictional characters is that they can give you an idea of how the types might present themselves, especially if you haven’t had contact with a lot of the different types in real life. As…