Are you dealing with an unhealthy version of an enneagram type? Here are some tips for deciphering if someone is in an unhealthy state! #enneagram #personality #enneatype
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The Unhealthy Versions of Every Enneagram Type

Not sure what your enneagram type is? Take our new Enneagram test here! The Unhealthy Enneagram One – The Criticizer At an unhealthy level, Ones forcefully justify themselves and their ideals without question. They may have underlying worries that their motives or ideals are wrong, but they won’t let themselves consider it for too long…

Not sure what your child's enneagram type is? This article can help you to narrow it down! #enneagram #personality #enneatype
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What’s My Child’s Enneagram Type? Tips for Finding Out!

Can the Enneagram Be Used for Kids? Absolutely! When it comes to understanding your children, one of the best tools for doing this is the Enneagram. This in-depth system of typology helps you to determine your childhood wounds, core fears, core desires, and coping mechanisms. Today I’m going to help you identify your child’s type…

Find out the root stressors of each #enneatype, and how to help someone who is stressed based on their enneatype. #Enneagram, #Personality
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How Every Enneagram Type Reacts to Stress, and How to Help

Have you ever become so stressed that you “flipped a switch” and acted like someone else? Maybe it felt like an out-of-body experience or you felt completely beyond your own control? Well, according to the enneagram system, there’s a reason for that! Each type has an area of disintegration (stress) that they veer into when…

Get an in-depth look at how each #enneatype appears at their best and worst levels of health. #enneagram #one #two #four #five #six
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The Best and Worst Versions of Every Enneagram Type

In the enneagram system of typology, each of us has different levels of health. An unhealthy Six, for example, is typically suspicious, paranoid, and riddled with unreasonable anxieties. A healthy six is courageous, comforting, and healthily skeptical. What are the best and worst versions of your enneatype? Let’s take a look! Not sure what your…

An in-depth look at the six #enneatype. #Enneagram #six

The Enneagram 6 – The Loyalist

The Loyalist (Enneagram 6) is a cautious and skeptical type who aims to be prepared for whatever life might throw at them. Sixes are detail-oriented and carry a whole library of guides for every possible scenario: from losing their phones to surviving doomsday. Their single-handed and greatest asset? Emotional intelligence. Typically associated with the warm…