Find out what makes each #enneagram type REALLY blow up. #Enneatype #Personality #typology
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Here’s What Infuriates You, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever wondered why certain people get angry about things that don’t bother you at all? Do you ever feel like your own pet peeves are laughed at or misunderstood? According to the enneagram, all of us have unique fears, desires, and struggles that relate to our childhood and messages that we didn’t receive…

Find out what each #enneagram type desperately craves in life, and how they stop themselves from getting it. #enneatype #enneaone #enneafour
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Here’s What You Desperately Crave in Life, Based on Your Enneagram Type

The Enneagram is an ancient personality system that can unearth some of your hidden desires and fears. One of the things that the Enneagram can tell you about yourself is how desperate you are to find something that seems almost unattainable. This article will explore some of the things that each Enneagram type searches for…

Find out what you're like on a bad day, based on your #enneagram #personality type.
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Here’s What You’re Like on a Bad Day, Based on Your Enneagram Type

According to the Enneagram, each of us has a direction of disintegration or stress. We can recognize when we’re regressing in our development when we start to “disintegrate.” Disintegration usually happens when we’re acting out under stress, or we’ve pushed our natural type behaviors to the limit. In a period of disintegration we use coping…

Discover the lifelong struggles of every #enneagram #personality type.
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Here’s the Lifelong Struggle You’ve Faced, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever wondered what causes you to have the insecurities and difficulties you face every day? Do you ever feel like your struggles are unrelatable to other people? The enneagram can be a very helpful tool when it comes to understanding your insecurities, fears, and roadblocks. It takes you to the roots of your…

Discover the core desires of each #enneagram type! #personality #enneatype

Here’s What You Desire, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever felt that you were ceaselessly searching for something that was always just out of reach? Does it ever seem like there’s an unconscious need pulling you in different directions? Thanks to the enneagram, many of us can discover what that core need or desire is. Oftentimes, this desire is so innate to…