Sensing Perceiving Parents
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Myers-Briggs® and Parenting – Part 3 – The Struggles of Sensing Perceiving (SP) Parents

Today I’m excited to talk about the Adventurer (SP) parents. Adventurers make up 30-35% of the population, and are known for their optimism, creativity, and fun-loving nature. Adventurers love to live life in the moment and remain open to opportunities as they arise. They are often easy-going, flexible, and up for anything new and exciting….

MBTI Movie Heroes
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The Greatest Movie Heroes of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

A while back I did some posts about the greatest villains of every Myers-Briggs® personality type. Since then, I’ve gotten several requests to do a follow-up heroes post. This post was a lot of fun to write and research, and I hope you’ll enjoy it! Keep in mind that throughout the post I address various…

5 Ways to Annoy an ESFP
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5 Ways to Annoy an ESFP

Today we’re going to talk about the charismatic, fun-loving ESFPs! Often referred to as “the Entertainers”, ESFPs live a life full of excitement and optimism. They long to live each moment to the fullest and to bring their infectious enthusiasm to others along the way. They’re sociable, generous, passionate, and full of energy. I have a…

SP Villains
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The Greatest Villains of Every Myers-Briggs Type – Part 3 – The Artisans

I’m so excited to get write about Artisan (SP) villains this week. SP types make some pretty daunting bad guys because of their sharp tactical intelligence and quick reflexes. SPs villains tend to be the ultimate adrenaline junkies, living for the moment, taking in their surroundings and acting on them spontaneously. They usually aren’t going…

MBTI and Mental Illness
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Myers Briggs and Mental Illness Part 3 – The Artisans

Is there a link between certain Myers Briggs types and mental illness? This question gets asked a lot, and I wanted to find some answers. For months I’ve been researching any information I could find to see if there’s a correlation between type and mental distress. I used to have a long post detailing all…