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The Ultimate List of Gift Ideas for Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Not sure what to get your loved ones this year? Try shopping for them by personality type! Over the last year and a half I’ve spoken with over a thousand individuals from all of the 16 personality types to determine which gifts they like most. These guides will not only tell you WHAT people like…

Are you an #extrovert, #introvert, or #ambivert? #MBTI
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Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert – Why So Many Extroverts Identify as Introverts

A lot of us have seen the online comics, right? The ones with the introvert wrapped up in a blanket, cat on her lap, binge-watching Netflix? The comics where the introvert eschews the big, loud holiday party for a quiet night at home with a favorite book and a cup of coffee? There is a…

When #INFJs and #ESTPs fall in love! #INFJ #ESTP relationships
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When INFJs and ESTPs Fall in Love – The Joys and Struggles

Opposites attract, right? That’s a statement many of us can agree on. While a kindred spirit can be a wonderful thing, there’s something exciting and fascinating about someone who’s personality contrasts our own in intriguing ways. At first glance, ESTPs and INFJs would seem like a terrible match. After all, they have completely different letters,…

How Each #MBTI Type Uses Their Tertiary Function! #INFJ #INTJ #ENFP #ENTP #ENTJ #ENFJ #ISFJ #ISTJ
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How Each Myers-Briggs® Type Uses Their Tertiary Function

In the personality community, one of the least talked about functions is the tertiary function. There are many theories for this; one being that there was a lot of disagreement over the direction of the tertiary function. Many typologists used to argue that the tertiary had the same attitude as the auxiliary function (extraverted if…