Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types of the Yellowstone characters.
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Yellowstone Characters

As an MBTI® practitioner, I find myself psychologically assessing characters when I watch TV shows and movies. My husband and I can barely get through 10 minutes of a show before we’re verbally dissecting certain character’s personality preferences and psychological tendencies. . Lately we’ve been watching Yellowstone, so of course I’ve had a lot of…

Find out which of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types are the most positive and optimistic.
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The Most Positive Myers-Briggs® Personality Types, Ranked

Have you ever noticed that certain types of people tend to be more positive and easy-going, while others are more cautious or even negative? Could personality type play a part in that? That’s what I wondered. Today we’re going to look at the results of a survey I recently conducted with 4,998 respondents. In the…

Find out what the INFJ cognitive functions are and how they show up in your day-to-day life
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The INFJ’s Cognitive Functions

Have you ever heard someone mention the INFJ’s cognitive functions? Maybe you’re new to type and the term “cognitive functions” fills you with confusion. Maybe you’ve been studying type for years but you still don’t feel like you have a handle on it. Today we’re exploring how the INFJ mind works. One of the ways…

Find out how each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types really feel about crying, and whether or not it embarrasses them.
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How You Feel About Crying, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered why some people cry easily while others seem to have no tear ducts whatsoever? Or why certain people seem to open up about their feelings without hesitation while others hold back? It turns out your Myers-Briggs® personality type could explain a lot about how you handle emotions—whether it’s crying, sharing your…

A look at how the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types stay calm under pressure.
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Here’s How You Handle High-Pressure Situations, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

We’ve all been there—heart racing, palms sweaty, mind scrambling to find a solution as the clock ticks down. Whether it’s a looming deadline at work, an unexpected crisis at home, or navigating a tense conversation, pressure has a way of finding us all. The physical effects are universal, but the way we handle these high-stress…