MBTI Movie Heroes
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The Greatest Movie Heroes of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

A while back I did some posts about the greatest villains of every Myers-Briggs® personality type. Since then, I’ve gotten several requests to do a follow-up heroes post. This post was a lot of fun to write and research, and I hope you’ll enjoy it! Keep in mind that throughout the post I address various…

MBTI Parenting
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Myers-Briggs® and Parenting – The Struggles of Intuitive Feeling Parents

In the world of parenting, there are thousands of “how-to” articles written by numerous different parents. It can be overwhelming to read through mommy blogs, parenting books, and magazine articles and see the sheer number of differing viewpoints! Do I let my baby cry-it-out or do I rock them to sleep? Should I practice positive…

INFJ Child
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The Struggles of Being an INFJ Child

Today’s subject is going to be a little tricky because I’m talking about my own personality type. As an INFJ, I always find it difficult to write about my own type because I feel that it can sound arrogant or self-aggrandizing. I can applaud other types without feeling like I’m patting myself on the back,…

NF Villains
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INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, and ENFJ Villains

Every story needs a good villain. And as much as we’d like to think that we’re rooting for the good guy in a movie, there are plenty of times when we have to secretly admire the bad guys’ intelligence, wit, and cunning. This isn’t to say we should all be bad guys, or admire evil…