Discover the personality types (MBTI types) of the characters in Squid Game, season 1 and season 2.
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Squid Game Characters

When I watched Squid Game several winters ago I was transfixed. Like many viewers, part of me wanted to turn away from the heartbreaking deaths while also wanting to explore the psychological development of the characters. I found characters I started out disliking becoming more and more sympathetic as the series progressed. What Squid Game…

Discover 30 days of self-care and personal growth challenges that will tap into your strengths as an INFJ. #INFJ
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30-Day Personal Growth Challenge for INFJs

Let’s be real—life can get overwhelming when you’re busy solving the mysteries of the universe and holding space for everyone else’s emotions. This 30-day self-care challenge is all about you—recharging your inner battery, sparking your creativity, and connecting with what makes your soul light up. Each day is a little gift for your mind, body,…

Find out what each of the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types really crave more than gifts. #MBTI #Personality
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What You Crave More Than Presents, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

‘Tis the season for giving—but while everyone enjoys those presents stacked under the tree, the meaningful gifts are often less tangible. For many of us, the perfect “gift” has less to do with material things and more to do with meaningful experiences, heartfelt connection, or a spark of inspiration. Every personality type has something they…

Find out which Myers-Briggs personality types bottle up their feelings, versus the ones who express them outright, and find ways to express your feelings constructively.
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Most Likely to Bottle Up Their Feelings

Have you ever had one of those days where someone really is getting under your skin, but instead of saying anything, you just sit there simmering like a pot of water on low heat? Yeah, same. Bottling up feelings is one of those things we all do from time to time, but some personality types…

Find out which four personality types INFJs clash with the most and why, plus how to make these relationships actually work.
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The Four Personality Types INFJs Clash with Most (and How to Connect)

If you’ve spent any time around INFJs, you know they’re pretty thoughtful about how they come across. Even to their worst enemies they usually seem fairly polite, kind, and conscientious. So it can be really tricky to find out who gets under their skin, but that’s what anonymous surveys are for! Over the last ten…