MBTI Authors
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Which Intuitive Author Has Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type?

Personality type has a great impact on writing style, with each preference shaping the way an author forms and translates what’s on their mind. Sensors tend to write in a linear fashion; with numerous picturesque details highlighting their stories. Intuitives use metaphor and rich symbolism in their storytelling. Their stories are generally less linear and…

MBTI Movie Heroes
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The Greatest Movie Heroes of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

A while back I did some posts about the greatest villains of every Myers-Briggs® personality type. Since then, I’ve gotten several requests to do a follow-up heroes post. This post was a lot of fun to write and research, and I hope you’ll enjoy it! Keep in mind that throughout the post I address various…

MBTI Parenting
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Myers-Briggs® and Parenting – The Struggles of Intuitive Feeling Parents

In the world of parenting, there are thousands of “how-to” articles written by numerous different parents. It can be overwhelming to read through mommy blogs, parenting books, and magazine articles and see the sheer number of differing viewpoints! Do I let my baby cry-it-out or do I rock them to sleep? Should I practice positive…

Stress Busting Techniques for INFPs
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12 Stress-Busting Techniques for INFPs

INFPs are some of the most insightful, deep-thinking Idealists of all the personality types. They are quick to listen, slow to speak, and generous in their compassion towards others. They can be iconic writers, groundbreaking musicians, empathetic counselors, or innovative thinkers. Today I want to focus on how INFPs can combat stress in their lives….

5 things that REALLY get on an INFPs nerves. #INFP #MBTI #Personality
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5 Ways To Annoy An INFP

Today I’m thrilled to talk about the ultimate Idealist; the INFP. INFPs are gentle, insightful people who care deeply about the human race. They are determined to find their purpose in life, to find meaning, and to make a difference for humanity. INFPs are thoughtful and sincere, and prize authenticity and kindness. A.A. Milne, William…