Get an in-depth look at the causes of INFP anger, as well as how that anger is typically expressed. #MBTI #Personality #INFP
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Understanding INFP Rage

What happens when INFPs get angry? If you look at most descriptions of INFPs, you’ll see adjectives like “empathetic,” “harmonious,” and “accepting.” But what about the darker side of the INFP? What happens when they have had more than they can take? That’s what we’ll be exploring today! Not sure what your personality type is? Take…

Get an in-depth look at how Te-Fi and Fi-Te operate in ESTJs, ENTJs, INFPs, and ISFPs. #MBTI #Personality
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Dominant-Inferior Dynamics in ETJ and IFP Personality Types

When it comes to personality type, we often get stuck believing that people are “Thinkers” or “Feelers” and nothing in between, when in reality we’re all a mixture of both. Everyone looks at logic when they decide, and everyone also considers their own or others’ values and emotional needs. That said, we all tend to…

Find out what style draws in INFP personality types. #INFP #MBTI
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Why INFPs Dislike Uniforms and Dress Codes

INFPs are considered the most unique of all the style types because of their internal values which are deeply personal. Because these values differ from person to person, the way each INFP’s personal style shows up in the world varies greatly. Idealistic, INFPs are catalysts for change in their world, concerned with an idealistic vision…

Find out which TV shows are the favorites of each Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality
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Here’s the Show to Binge Watch, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Type

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Netflix or Amazon Prime with no idea which show to select? Narrowing down your options can feel overwhelming when there are so many choices to choose from. You have limited time and you don’t want to waste it on something dull or uninspiring! With that in mind, I…

Get an in-depth look at the reasons why Sensors and Intuitives can sometimes get on each other's nerves. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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Why Sensors and Intuitives Drive Each Other Crazy

Have you ever noticed that you struggle to find common ground with either Sensing or Intuitive personality types? In the Myers-Briggs® system, Sensors have an “S” as the second letter of their type code (for example: ESFJ) while Intuitives have an “N” as the second letter of their type code (ENFJ). The Sensing/Intuitive preference is…