What does each #MBTI type really want to talk about? Find out! #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ISFJ #ISTJ
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What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type REALLY Wants to Talk About

Contrary to popular belief, most people (extrovert, introverts, sensors, intuitives) don’t really like small talk that much. I don’t think anyone’s heart skips a beat with talk about the next rainfall or how hot the sun has been shining (unless, perhaps, you’re a farmer or gardening expert). Different topics of conversation are naturally going to…

Recognizing the #MBTI types in childhood #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFJ #ENFP #ISTJ #ISFJ
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Recognizing the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types in Childhood

When it comes to type theory, a lot of the descriptions for adult types won’t work as well for children. Children are just starting to develop and as a result, they won’t have steady access to all of their cognitive functions. In early life the dominant function is the most powerful and present in their…

10 Things You'll Relate To If You're an #INTJ #MBTI
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10 Things You’ll Relate to If You’re an INTJ

In the personality community, INTJs are one of the rarest types you’ll come across. According to myersbriggs.org they make up a mere 2-4% of the U.S. population. Many people mistype as INTJs from online personality tests, but your chances of actually meeting a genuine INTJ are pretty slim. This article will shine a light on…

#MBTI and fatherhood. What each personality type is like as a dad
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Myers-Briggs® and Fatherhood – What Each Personality Type is Like as a Dad

A while back I wrote a post called What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Like as a Mom. After writing it I had a lot of requests for an article for dads. I had already had the idea simmering around in my head for a while, but I wondered…is there really much difference between moms…

Dating tips for each #MBTI type
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Dating Do’s and Don’ts for Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and with it are many plans and expectations of the “perfect” date. How can you ensure that your experience is as successful as possible? What each personality type looks for in a date (and what instantly turns them off) is very different. Here are some do’s and don’ts…