10 must-have books if you want to be an #MBTI expert! #INFJ #INTP #ENFJ #ENFP #INFP #ENTP #ISTP #ISFP #ISTJ
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10 Books You Need if You Want to be a Myers-Briggs® Expert

Do you like typing people in your free time? Do you like learning more about how your mind works and where your strengths and weaknesses lie? Do you really care about accuracy in your assessments of people? If so, you definitely will want to check out this list of 10 essential books about personality type….

10 Intuition Hacks for #INFJs and #INTJs
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10 Intuition Hacks for INFJs and INTJs

In everyday life, it’s very difficult to come across people using introverted intuition in an obvious way. While many people mistype as INJs, most of them are actually ISJs who thrive on proven facts and personal experience over flashes of insight and symbolism. Intuition is a very mysterious function and many times when INJs (or…

10 signs that you might be an extraverted thinking personality type! #INTJ #ISTJ #ENTJ #ESTJ #MBTI
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10 Signs That You Might Be An Extraverted Thinker

Have you ever felt torn between knowing whether you’re a J or P personality type? Perhaps you’ve taken an online test and you’re not sure whether you’re an ITP or an ITJ or an ETP or an ETJ. This kind of confusion is so common, especially because online tests are worded so poorly that the…

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The Biggest Weakness of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Each of us has weak spots, and while some of these probably have nothing to do with personality type, some probably do! When it comes to personality type, each of us has a hierarchy of functions, and while certain functions tend to be (but aren’t always) more healthy and conscious, other functions tend to be…

Do you feel judged based on your personality type? Find out why here! #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFP #ENTP #ISFP #ISTP #ISFJ #ISTJ #ENFJ #ENTJ
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Here’s What People Judge You For, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Do you ever think that people judge you for something that’s an inherent part of your personality? Do you ever feel like people misunderstand you so greatly that they misjudge you for characteristics you don’t even have? Different types tend to be judged for different reasons, and while there are so many different ways people…