5 Ways to Annoy an INTJ
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5 Ways To Annoy An INTJ

Today I want to talk about INTJs. These independent thinkers are often intriguing and challenging with their original ideas, insights, and strategic ways of making decisions. I have an INTJ sister-in-law who I LOVE talking to on the phone. I can always count on her to be straightforward, honest, but also open-minded and full of…

NT Villains
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The Greatest Villains of Every Myers-Briggs Type – Part 2 – The NT Types

Over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to be talking about villains that match up with all 16 Myers-Briggs types. On Sunday, we talked about the idealists. Today let’s get to know the rational (NT) villains. These bad guys are some of the most clever, inventive, and formidable individuals you’ll ever meet on-screen. They…

Myers-Briggs® and Mental Illness – The NT Types
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Myers-Briggs® and Mental Illness – The NT Types

Do you think there’s a link between MBTI® types and certain mental illnesses? I’ve seen this question come up often in various personality type communities. For months I’ve been researching any information I could find to see if there’s a correlation between type and mental distress. I used to have a long post detailing all…

MBTI Pet Peeves
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How to Annoy Any Myers Briggs® Type

We all have those little things that irritate us to no end, no matter how minor they may seem. Does type have any part to play in this? With a little research and some lurking through forums, I was able to come up with this list. Technically, I think a lot of these things would…